A New Morning and a New Roommate

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Harry stared down at his breakfast. Avocado on toast and a bowl of granola and yogurt, just like Lou's meal plan said. Harry had put little boxes next to the items on the list, so he could check things off when he ate them. He wanted to get better, he wanted to be able to do this, but it was so hard on his own. 

Harry heard a knock at the door and could feel his heart contracting. He took a few deep breaths. It's not Lou, he told himself over and over, heading toward the door. He still held his breath when he answered it though, fully expecting to see Louis, still in the shirt he'd thrown on inside out before he'd left the other night. 

"Hey," Liam said, his eyebrows drawn together in pity. He was carrying a backpack with him. 

"What's up?" Harry asked, folding his arms across his chest. He felt his face flush as he wondered if Louis had told Liam what happened last night. 

"Well, Louis thought that maybe I could start rooming with you," Liam said, clearly choosing his words carefully. 

"Did anyone ever think maybe I could room by myself?" Harry asked, rolling his eyes.

"Look," Liam said, "I know you're fine on your own, but I just think that this whole thing- whatever happened between you and Louis... I'm pretty sure you'll both be over it in a day or two, but I just need to make sure you know someone's supporting you in the meantime. And then I'll be out, and everything will be back to normal." he added.

"Okay," Harry said, nodding. He walked back to his breakfast- he didn't feel like talking. 

"So did you tell Louis how you feel about him?" Liam asked gently.

Harry could feel a strong blush creeping up his cheeks. He didn't know how to explain last night to Liam. "Um, no," he said. "No not really... I didn't tell him- but I kind of... I kind of showed him a little bit?" Harry cleared his throat. He could feel his eyes stinging, and he bit into his toast, trying to keep himself from thinking about it too much. He just felt so embarrassed. Of course Lou wasn't attracted to Harry, he was just trying to help him... Harry cringed at the memory of lying under Lou moaning his name. His stomach was in knots, he didn't know how he would keep anything down today. 

"And he doesn't feel the same?" Liam asked softly. 

Harry thought about Lou's mouth on his hips and Lou's hands pressing him down onto the bed, and Lou's hips moving against Harry's while he kissed his neck. 

He thought about Lou leaving, not even looking at him before he gathered his things and slammed the door. 

Harry shook his head. "No," he said. "No he doesn't ." 


Louis was laying facedown on Liam's bed blasting Adele songs through his iPod speakers. 

He couldn't stop thinking about Harry... He didn't sleep at all last night after he'd left. He sat in the hall hearing "Lou... can you kiss me?" over and over. 

Lou had stayed in the hall until the morning when he woke Liam up and convinced him to give up his room. Lou didn't want to leave Harry stranded no matter what had happened between the two of them, and he knew Liam had handled Harry's binge eating episode well.

The first thing Louis did when Liam left was take a shower. He scrubbed all the places where Harry's skin had been pressed against his, but even after he'd dried off and changed his clothes, that was still all he could feel. Every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was Harry, looking up at him with those luminous green eyes. Who the fuck even had green eyes? 

Louis shoved his face into a pillow.

He had no idea what last night was, but it felt like something that had been building up in him for a while now. Everything had always been drawing him closer and closer to Harry, but last night was something Lou hadn't even considered until his hands were on Harry's hips and he couldn't think straight anymore.

Louis focused on his breathing. 

Harry was healing. Harry was healing and Lou was supposed to be there to help him. 

Help him- not tackle him down on the bed and try and try and make out with him. 


Louis felt an ache in his chest. He shouldn't have taken advantage of Harry while he was still recovering. He resisted the urge to text Liam demanding to know how Harry was doing today. 

He was probably doing a lot better now that Lou was gone. 


When they played their concert that night, Harry and Louis stayed on opposite ends of the stage for every song. 

When they were done, they were all rushed out to the tour bus to make sure they got to the next city on time- it was one of those nights where they had to sleep on the bus. 

Louis' bunk was right below Harry's. He could hear him mumbling a bit. Haz talked in his sleep sometimes, but it was almost never clear enough to hear what he was saying. 

Lou was about to fall asleep when he thought he heard Harry say his name. His eyes popped open, and he waited for him to say something, but he just went back to mumbling, and after a little while Louis finally fell asleep.

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