Future Plans and Three Words

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"Harry," Louis whispered, "are you still up?"

"Mmmm no, Boobear, I'm sleeping," Harry said. He rolled over and tried to open his eyes to look at Louis but he was too tired. "And I'm  cold," he added, tugging on the blankets.

"Do you want me to find the thermostat?" Louis asked.

"Mmm nooo, Loubear, I want to cuddle," Harry said. "That was supposed to be a hint."

Louis laughed a little and bit his lip to keep from laughing too loudly- Harry when he was tired was Lou's favourite thing.

"Mkay, get over here then," Louis said smiling.

Harry scooched himself over to Lou, curling up on his chest, knotting his fingers in Lou's t-shirt and hitching his legs up around Louis'.

Lou could hear his steady breathing, and gently ran his fingers through his curls.

"Were you asking me something, Boo?" Harry murmered into Louis' chest. "Mmmmm because I think I forgot the question."

"No," Louis said, rubbing circles on Harry's back. "I didn't ask you yet, Hazza." 

"Ohh okay," Harry said. "You're going to put me to sleep if you keep rubbing my back like that," he added. 

"Sorry," Lou said, and rested his hand on the small of Harry's back. 

"I didn't say stop," Harry said quietly. 

Louis grinned and went back to moving his hand gently up and down, tracing along Harry's spine. "I was just wondering... no it's stupid." 

"Mm no it's not, Lou, tell me." Harry gripped tighter onto Lou's shirt. 

"I was just wondering what you were going to do when One Direction's done." Louis said softly. 

"What do you mean done?" Harry asked, and yawned into Lou's chest. 

"Well we can't put out albums forever and tour forever, and-" Louis started. 

"Yeah we can- stop being silly, Loubear," Harry interrupted. 

"No, Harry... boy bands have reuinions and stuff, but they don't last forever," Lou said. 

Louis didn't want the band to end, but it had started stressing him out lately. They'd put out so many albums, gone on so many tours... he kept wondering when they were going to peak, or worrying that maybe they already had. 

And every moment he spent with Harry was the whole world to him. He didn't know what he'd do when the band wasn't there forcing them to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment together. He didn't want to picture Harry grown up, married, and talking about Louis the same way most people talked their old college roommates- occasionally telling stories about the good old days. 

Louis spent a lot of time worrying that he was living his best days now, and that the rest of his life would just be stories. 

"What do you think you'll do after?" Louis asked. 

"I don't know, Lou," Harry said. "Why are you so worried about it?" 

"I'm just not ready for any of this to end yet," Louis said. 

"I know," Harry said, cuddling closer. "Me neither." 

Louis rubbed Harry's back, thinking about all the days they'd spent together since the very beginning in the X-Factor days. There were thousands of moments they'd spent together and hundreds of places they'd been that made it feel impossible to Louis that it would ever just stop. No one would be able to understand half of what they had gone through- it had been such a one in a million kind of life for them. Lou worried that he wouldn't be able to really connect with anyone that hadn't been a part of it.

Lou heard Harry's breathing even out. His hands had relaxed onto Lou's chest, letting go of their grip on his shirt. 

"Haz?" Lou whispered, so softly the sound melted into the air as soon as it fell out of his lips. Harry slept on peacefully in Lou's arms.

"Haz, I think I love you." 

Author's Note: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter, I had fun writing it :) I got bored with the cover so I changed it, and I might change it again, sorry if that makes it confusing but I'm indecisive :P Also, I started going back and naming some of the chapters so if you're looking to reread a certain scene it's easier to find it! 

Also, if you can't tell by the way this chapter ended, things are about to get a lot more romantic and intense and all that good stuff :) And thanks for reading this- I can't believe the story got over 700 reads, I was happy just back when it was 100, so this is awesome! :) 

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