Scandals and Broken Pieces

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Harry was buzzing after the show- he'd spent the whole time dancing and interacting with the audience. Lou couldn't stop looking over at him, Harry hadn't looked like he was having this much fun onstage in years. 

Someone from management grabbed Harry by the wrist as soon as the concert was over, and pulled him into one of the rooms backstage. Louis followed and stepped into the room just before the door shut. 

"This doesn't concern you," the man said. Louis couldn't for the life of him remember his name. 

"Well too bad," Louis said, crossing his arms defiantly. There was no way he was letting Harry talk to anyone from management alone. 

"Fine," the man said, clearly not having the energy to deal with Louis. He turned to Harry, who had started to twist the bracelets around his wrist nervously. "Harry," he said. "A little while ago, we got word of some... compromising photos of you, and we've been trying to pay off the right people to keep them from surfacing." 

Harry's face went white. He didn't know what 'compromising' was supposed to mean in this case, but he had been experimenting with guys a little bit a few months back when he was trying to come to terms with being bi. He'd been as clean as a nun since then... but still. He knew how much rumours blew up when he was seen with a girl, he didn't want to start up wild rumours about him dating a guy when he wasn't even in a relationship, and the last person he kissed was months ago... other than Lou. 


Harry's mind was racing. Did someone find out about Louis and Harry's kiss?

"What are the pictures of?" Harry demanded. 

"Here," the man said, holding out his phone. Harry scrolled, his eyes glued to the tiny screen. 

Harry reaching up to grab something- his shirt lifting up and showing off his jutted out hipbones... Harry on a stretcher... Harry leaving the hospital... Harry looking particularily exhausted, with his collarbones sticking out... 

There was a video. 

Harry pressed play. It was a video of a bathroom somewhere- Harry couldn't recognize where. The video was shaky camera footage of him walking in, then the horrible sound of Harry purging his food. 

Harry's stomach clenched. 

"I'm sorry," the man said, "We've been giving into their demands for months now, and we just can't afford to keep paying what they're asking." 

"Well try a little harder," Louis snapped, taking the phone out of Harry's hands and handing it back to it's owner. "Don't look at those, love," he said quietly. 

"We can't," the man insisted. "I promise you we've tried for months to keep these out of the tabloids. But we really can't pay what they're asking anymore." 

"I'll pay," Louis said. 

The member of management rolled his eyes. "That's not how it works, kid. If that worked, there wouldn't be any dirt on billionares." 

Harry had his eyes closed and Louis had his fists clenched as the man continued talking. 

"These pictures will be going up tomorrow," he said, "And they'll be everywhere. So if you want things to blow over faster, you just have to stay out of the spotlight for a while- no drinking or parties or relationships, okay?"

Harry nodded. 

"Chin up," the man said. "People always forget about these things as soon as the next scandal comes along." 

He got a call, and left the room with his phone to his ear.

Harry sunk to the floor. 

"Oh God," Louis murmured. "Oh God, Harry, I'm so sorry." He gently put his hand on Harry's shoulder. 

Harry started crying, and his shoulders shook with the weight of it. "Don't touch me," he told Louis. 

"Haz," Lou said. 

"I said don't touch me!" Harry said, raising his voice. 

"Harry," Louis said gently, sitting down next to the boy, "I promise it'll be okay. Let's get you to the hotel and into bed, alright? Can you come with me, please?" 

Harry nodded, and followed Louis out to where their van was waiting to sneak them to their hotel. 

"Is everything okay?" Niall asked as Harry and Louis got into the van. 

"Yup," Harry said nodding, but started crying again as soon as he spoke. 

Niall looked up at him, and gently placed a hand on Harry's knee. Zayn did the same on Harry's opposite leg, and Liam rested his hand on Harry's shoulder. Louis took his left hand and kissed the back of it gently, and then held it the rest of the car ride. 

The four of them stayed like that- each comforting a small spot of Harry- for the whole ride to the hotel. 

Harry's body shook with sobs as he slowly broke into pieces, but Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis did their best to hold him together. 

*Author's note: Oh my gosh, this story is over 1000 reads now?! This is crazy exciting for me, I literally celebrated when I found out I reached that number- I never thought I would! I've been just writing it for my own fun, but I'm so happy other people are enjoying it too :) Please don't hesitate to vote when you like a chapter, and comment on the story as much as you want to- hearing from people reading this always makes my day! :) Thanks so much for reading this :) 

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