"Please Make me Forget..."

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Louis woke up to the horrible sound of Harry getting sick. 

He climbed out of bed, and headed to the bathroom, where Harry was kneeling by the toilet. Louis smoothed his hair back, and kissed his forehead gently. 

"Go away, Lou," Harry mumbled, clutching his stomach. 

"No thanks," Louis said, kneeling down next to Harry. 

Harry lurched forward, and Louis rubbed circles on his back. "Just try and keep it in, love," he said soothingly. 

Harry got sick again. 

Lou smoothed back his hair, and could feel the small sheen on sweat that had plastered some of Harry's curls to his forehead. 

"Please don't watch this," Harry begged, holding tight onto the toilet seat like it were a life-raft. 

Harry lurched forward again, and Lou kept rubbing circles on his back. "Shhh, Haz... I'm right here," he murmered. He could see Harry's fists clench as he tried to stop. "Just relax, love," Louis said softly, placing a hand over one of Harry's fists, trying to get Harry to let go of some of the tension. 

Louis remembered when he had been in the hospital with Harry after he had collapsed at the amusement park. He'd quickly established himself as Harry's caretaker, and was whisked off to get proper training on how to deal with a patient with an eating disorder. He remembered asking what felt like a hundred questions- all the things about Haz that he didn't understand, all the parts of him that Louis couldn't relate to but wanted to help with. 

He remembered asking the nurse how Harry sometimes could throw up without triggering it with his fingers. Lou always hated seeing that the most- watching Harry struggle against his own body. 

The nurse explained that sometimes the body of a patient could get used to associating getting sick with strong emotions, and that if Harry were dealing with an overwhleming amount of pressure, his body might react the way that Harry had taught it to when he went through something like that. 

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry as he fought against his body, a tough battle that he never seemed to win. 

"I'm sorry," Louis said as Harry flushed the toilet. 

Harry stood up and walked toward the sink, already brushing his teeth and washing his hands. He didn't reply to Louis. 

Lou waited in silence until Harry was done brushing his teeth. 

"Hazza..." he said, pleading with Harry not to be mad at him. 

Harry looked Louis dead in the eyes, earth green meeting sky blue like a horizon. 

"I told you not to watch. I'm not a freakshow, Louis." 

"Why are you mad at me?" Louis asked, following Harry back to the bed. Harry had refused to cuddle that night, leaving Louis cold and on the opposite edge of the bed. 

Harry sighed, and crawled back under the covers without responding. 

"I'm being serious, Harry!" Louis said, pulling the covers off. "Why are you mad at me?" He stretched out every word. 

"Because I'm-" Harry sighed. "I'm that-" he gestured toward the bathroom. "And you might be weirdly used to it or something, but as soon as you hear millions of people talking about how disgusting I am all over Twitter and see my hipbones on the cover of every magazine, hear me throwing up in that video, over and over on every website... you're going to see everything the way everyone else does." 

"Harold," Louis said. "I'm not everyone else." 

Louis placed a hand on Harry's cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb. He loved how plump Harry's cheeks were getting- just like they were meant to be, with a smile as wide as the one he had. Harry's whole body was so close to how Lou always pictured it, healthy and flushed with colour. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips into Harry's. He pulled back, not wanting to push his luck in case Harry was still upset with him, but Harry grabbed onto Lou's hips, and pulled him him tight against his body. Harry's hips were already moving up and down slowly, trying to find friction against Lou's body. Louis bit his lip.

"Can you hold me down?" Harry whispered. "Make me forget everything, Lou."

"Are you sure?" Louis asked. Harry seemed really unstable, and part of him was wondering whether he'd actually been taking his anti-anxiety pills lately or not. 

But Harry nodded furiously underneath Louis, begging for a distraction, and Louis didn't have the willpower to say no to Harry like this. 

Lou took Harry's bottom lip between his teeth and bit it gently, taking Harry's wrists and pressing them down into the bed. Lou worked his lips down Harry's sharp jawline onto his neck. Harry moaned when Louis got to the spot that he liked. 

"Lou... Lou... fuck that feels good," Harry murmured, moving his hips faster against Louis'. 

Louis and Harry had only kissed a few times now, but Lou already knew how vocal the other boy was even at the slightest contact. He moved his mouth back to meet Harry's. 

"I want more," Harry whispered between kisses. "Please, Louis, can we...?" 

Lou didn't repsond right away. 

"Please, Lou," Harry said, his green eyes pleading, and Lou's hands still trapping his wrists against the mattress. "Please make me forget..." 

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