Sick Days and Cuddling

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Author's Note: Hi everyone reading this :) I just wanted to tell you all that I'm going to be more consistant with this story and upload a minimum of one chapter per week from now on- I'm getting better at balancing my schoolwork, I promise ;) If anyone has any plot or scene suggestions, I'd love to hear them, and once I'm done this one I have a really exciting fanfic planned! :) I know its not a popular fanfic but thanks for reading, every star and comment and read is super exciting for me (: 

“Eww… gross, Haz,” Louis said, tiptoeing around the minefield of Kleenex Harry had strewn around the couch. “This is your Designated Sick Couch from now on, okay?” he said, sitting carefully on the couch opposite to Harry.

“So I’m not allowed to sit anywhere else?” Harry asked, blowing his nose like a foghorn.

“Good God no.” Louis said, as though the mere thought offended him.

“Can you get me more Kleenex Loubear?” Harry asked, trying make wide, pleading eyes at his friend, but he started coughing before his green eyes could take their effect.

Louis sighed dramatically and went to get more tissues anyway. Such was the price of being a Best Friend.

“When did you start to get sick, anyway?” Louis asked from the hallway, raising his voice so Harry could hear him as he looked for more tissues.

Harry coughed before he replied, “A few days I think, but I didn't really notice until it got worse today.”

Louis returned with a floral pattered Kleenex box that he tossed at Harry like he was feeding a lion.

Harry glared as the box hit his ribcage.

“I am not catching whatever that is,” Louis gestured at Harry’s Designated Sick Couch, and the tissues strewn about like New Year’s Eve confetti.

“Fine,” Harry said, hugging his pillow toward his chest, “but you won’t have a cuddle buddy then.”

“Oh no,” Louis said, gasping. “How will I watch movies now? Alone and germ free without being coughed on? I don’t know how I could enjoy that.”

Harry laughed, which made him start coughing. “Stop it, Lou,” he said, in between coughs and laughs. “I can’t handle your sass when my immune system’s down.”

“Sorry not sorry,” Lou called out from the kitchen. “Do you need anything to drink, Haz?”

“God, stop running around the house so much,” Harry complained. “You’re making me dizzy just watching.”

“I'm still buzzing from the show,” Louis said, returning with a glass of apple juice for Harry and a glass of water for him. He set Harry’s juice on the table, lest he touch the infected hand of his friend. He pulled out his phone, which was buzzing with texts. “My mom says 'get better soon', by the way.” He rolled his eyes, “I hate it when people do that. It’s so weird.”

“Well, tell her I say hi,” Harry said, sitting up to sip his apple juice.

“I never do,” Lou reassured him.

Harry set his juice back down on the table, and sunk back into his pile of pillows.

“Are you gonna be better if I let you sleep?” Louis asked, looking at Harry tangled in the blankets.

Harry nodded.

Louis knelt down and kissed him on the forehead.

Harry’s eyes opened, wide and green. “You’re not worried about catching some deadly disease from my forehead?” he asked.

“Well,” Louis said, “I was planning on washing my face and brushing my teeth and otherwise decontaminating, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. But, you… you get better by tomorrow, okay?”

“Will do, Captain,” Harry said, his tired hand raising in a salute.

Louis laughed. Harry was always the funniest when he was tired.

So far the tour wasn't off to a great start- they'd only been on tour for two weeks and Harry had already come down with something. Louis was almost positive he'd caught it by not eating enough, like his body wasn't strong enough to fight off colds right now. Lou felt like he'd told Harry over and over that they could call off the tour, but Harry refused, insisting he was fine. 

But Harry had been getting closer to Lou as the tour started, letting Lou fall asleep in the same bed, calling him nicknames and cuddling up to him when they watched movies together after shows. Louis was starting to realize that the less he bothered Haz about not eating, the less Harry tried to distance himself from him. But as much as Lou hated being the bad guy and hated bugging Harry to keep eating, he knew that Haz's cheeks were still too hollowed, his collarbones too visible. But for now he just let Harry have his peace, without having to think about food- they could worry about that tomorrow. 

Harry went to bed, and Louis followed, falling asleep next to him, forgetting about Harry's cold, forgetting about everything but the fact that Harry wasn't shutting him out anymore. He fell asleep to Harry's head tucked into his chest, hearing the gentle breaths in and out that reminded him that he was right here with Lou and everything was going to be alright. 

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