The Epilogue

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"Jesus Christ," Harry said, clutching to his chest. "Don't pop out at me like that."

"Sorry," Louis said, smirking a little. "Are you almost done work yet, babe?"

"Mhm," Harry said, running a hand through his long curls. It had been around a year since the last tour ended and although he had cut it since then, he hadn't cut it much. He liked having curls tangling down past his jawline. "There's just some people finishing up their therapy sessions, and then we're all good to go."

"I'm so proud of you babe," Louis smiled, pulling Harry against his chest. Louis trailed his fingers up from Harry's hips to his ribs, gently pushing up his shirt a little.

"Not at work," Harry murmured.

"But you're so sexy when you're at work," Louis said. "My sexy businessman." He sucked a little at Harry's jaw, and Harry sighed, forgetting to be annoyed with Lou that it would leave a mark. Harry was constantly covered in lovebites these days- Louis liked to leave his mark.

Harry practically purred, and Louis steered him into his office.

"God, why do you have so many papers on your desk," Louis murmured, trying to clear a spot to prop Harry up on.

"Because we can't make out at work," Harry said, but he giggled a bit, a blush creeping into his cheeks.

"You're no fun," Louis huffed, but he looked up at Harry with a charming smile, leaving his hand to rest on the small of Harry's back, rubbing slow circles.

"How did the game go?" Harry asked. 

"Good, good," Louis said smiling. "I mean, we lost, but the kids still had fun, and everyone got ice cream, so that's what really matters, right?" 

Harry beamed. He was so proud of Louis, he loved watching him help volunteer with children's soccer teams. Mostly because Louis giving back to the community was amazing, of course... but also partly because Harry got to see his boyfriend in soccer shorts doing warmups- and Harry got to play with the kids while they had half time.

"And your label? You and Niall met today right?" Harry said, remembering. Although One Direction wasn't technically together, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry hadn't stopped creating music. They planned to record an acoustic album of what they'd been writing lately, just scattered solo songs from each of the boys and a handful of group songs, mostly recorded in one or two takes without much processing. It was definitely different than their music they'd made when they were in a band, but Harry still loved it, even if it was different, it still felt like them... maybe even more so.

Also, Lou was getting quite skilled with the recording equipment, and watching Louis do something he was passionate about was the quickest way to make Harry's heart swell. Harry rubbed his fingers over his anchor tattoo.

"Babe," Louis said. "Enough about my day, we can talk at dinner tonight. And besides, I'd rather hear all about yours anyway. How's everyone doing here?" he asked.

Harry beamed and nodded. "Huge progress today for a lot of them. We helped one guy go to the grocery store today and he's always had major anxiety about buying food, and another girl kept her lunch down today and she doesn't normally. And we got a new patient who's just been released from the hospital, she's gaining weight already, such a champ," Harry smiled. He didn't tell Louis the names of the patients, but he couldn't help brag about them sometimes- he was just so fucking proud. He thought Louis said something but he wasn't sure.

"Babe?" Louis asked. "Stop zoning out on me." 

"Sorry," Harry said, "I get distracted." 

"Me too," Louis said, and pulled Harry against him. Louis was nothing short of rough with his boyfriend, but Harry loved it. He moaned into Louis' mouth as he started biting on his lower lip, determined to redden Harry's pretty lips. 

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