The Decision

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"You'll be fine, babe," Louis murmured, kissing Harry softly. 

Harry squirmed in his dressing room chair. He felt like he was headed to an interrogation.

"Do I look okay?" he asked anxiously, peering into the mirror, covering some of his acne scars with his hand, wondering what he'd look like without them.  

"Mhm," Louis said, biting his lip. "I can't get over you in suit... I mean, Jesus." He leaned forward to kiss Harry again. 

"Lou," Harry sighed, "I'm too nervous right now."

"Sorry," Louis said, holding his hands up. "Hands to myself- got it."  

It had been three weeks since the rumours of Harry's eating disorder had spread and absolutely nothing had blown over- if anything there had been more pictures surfacing, and ignoring it wasn't working anymore. 

So management had told Harry he had to do a tell-all interview. 

"What if I don't want to tell all?" Harry had asked. 

"You're not supposed to," someone from management had told him. "You just tell them it only lasted a short time and you're back to full health now. Make sure to tell them it was a really bad stomach virus. Just a stomach virus- understand?" 

"Babe," Louis said, stepping between Harry and the mirror so he would stop stressing about how he looked. "You look amazing. And so so healthy," he smiled, slipping his hands around Harry's waist to give hips a little squeeze where there was finally something to grab onto other than just bone. 

Harry let out a little gasp and his eyes darkened a little. His eyes trailed down Lou's body. He loved how curvy Lou was, but at the same time Lou's body was still strong and in charge and Harry loved just being a complete mess and giving in when Louis was in control, loved how predatory Louis looked when he wanted Harry, loved how his soft blue eyes went dark and how his hair was long enough for Harry to grab onto...

And just like that, with one simple touch, Harry's thoughts were a jumbled incoherent mess of Louis Louis Louis like always.  

"Stop it, Lou," he whined, squirming in his chair. "We have to go on in like, five minutes." 

"What if we just locked ourselves in here, hm?" Louis mused, trailing his fingers down Harry's arm. "Would you like that, sweetie?" 

"If you're trying to distract me," Harry said, "It's not working. I'm still nervous as fuck." 

"It feels like it's working," Louis smirked, trailing his hands up Harry's thighs and leaning forward to-

"Niall?!" Harry said loudly, and Louis jumped back with a start. 

Niall raised his eyebrows, but then shook his head to clear whatever thoughts he had away. "They want us all to go on now." 

Harry blushed a little. Even though the guys knew about him and Louis, he still felt awkward when they were affectionate around them. 

Harry smoothed down his suit jacket, and gave himself one more glance in the mirror before he headed over to the stage. Louis turned to face Harry right before he went on. "Tell the truth," he whispered. 

"What?" Harry asked. 

Zayn popped up on Harry's other side, and leaned in say quietly to Harry, "It wasn't the stomach flu- tell them you have an eating disorder." 

Harry looked at his friends in confusion- they had surrounded him now in tight circle. 

Niall said quietly, "We need you to go against management on this one- we couldn't plan it out too early or they'd find out somehow, but please, just tell your story- the real one." 

"Why?" Harry asked, his eyes flickering from Zayn to Niall to Louis to Liam to the stage in a confused panic. 

"I know Lou's been keeping you off the internet," Liam explained quietly, "But you have no idea how many people are going through the same thing you did. I mean, there's horrible things people are saying too that you don't want to see, but Harry this isn't just your fight anymore. You don't understand how many of the fans have struggled with this- how great it could be for them to see that you can get better."

"No," Harry insisted his voice a little too loud. The representative that was sent from management to supervise the interview looked over with suspicion. He lowered his voice so only the guys could hear him. "It was the stomach flu. I don't want to be Anorexic Harry- especially when I've been managing it so well lately. I just want to be Harry who had the stomach flu and pretend this whole thing never happened. I just need to move on from this." 

Lou sighed. He looked radiant in his suit. "Your choice, Haz."

They were rushed onstage by someone with a clipboard, and the five of them ended up squeezed in together on a blue leather couch, under warm and harsh spotlights, waiting for the cameras to start rolling.

And everyone - everyone had their eyes glued to Harry. 

(Super Long) Author's Note: Well this is it... the (almost) last chapter- I had such an amazing time writing this! I don't know if anyone with an eating disorder is reading this, but I've struggled with one and I really wanted the story to tell how things really do get better (because trust me, they do!) stay strong :) Thank you everyone who read this, who commented and who voted <3 

In the next while the story will be getting a makeover, I'll be going through and editing things, I've already started with the first chapter, trying to fix up any typos and add in some more detail and more cute moments, just so if you ever read it again you'll know why there's a little extra in the story! The cover changed again, but this is the last time I promise, I love this one :) 

IMPORTANT: There will be an epilogue! I know I ended the story on a cliffhanger, so don't worry, I'll be back to really wrap it up in a week or so :) 

I'm writing a new Larry story, so you can follow me if you want to check it out, it's about Harry going off to college, it should be posted by next week :) 

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