Fights and Rumours

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"I'm sorry," Harry slurred, stumbling over to Louis' bunk. He didn't know if the bus was swerving or if he'd just drank too much. "Loubear, I'm sorry for kissing you- was it a bad kiss, is that why you're mad at me? Why are you mad at me Lou? Louis? You have a nice name, I'm sorry for saying it so much. Louis." 

"Can you just go away?" Louis asked. He didn't make it sound like a question.

"But I don't want to," Harry said opening the curtains of Lou's bunk. "I want to talk about our feelings like a real couple." 

Louis looked over at him and rolled his eyes. "We're not a real couple," he said slowly as though Harry were too dense to understand. 

"Yeah we are," Harry insisted. "I mean, you're not with Eleanor anymore, and you told me... you told me you loved me." 

"People say things, Haz." Louis shrugged. 

Harry fumed. He never understood the expession about feeling your blood boiling until now. His veins literally felt like they were on fire he was so furious. 

"So we're what?" Harry asked, his voice getting louder. "Friends with benefits, is that what this was?" 

"Take it down a notch, hun," Louis muttered. "Jesus, I need a smoke." 

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" Harry yelled. 

He was probably- definitely- more than a little drunk. 

Louis' eyes were wide in shock. Harry never yelled. 

"What's going on, lads?" Liam asked, walking up behind Harry, his eyes darting between the two of them. 

"Louis' being an asshole," Harry said. "He won't admit that we had something special." 

"We didn't have anything," Louis insisted cooly. He played with a cigarette between his fingers, itching to light it. 

"We kissed like a million times," Harry said, starting to tear up, which only made him more frustrated. He hated how easily he started to cry. He took deep breaths and tried to control the stinging feeling behind his eyes. "Don't tell me that meant nothing."

"That never happened, Harry." Louis said. 

Hot tears pooled in Harry's eyes, sticking his eyelashes into little triangles. 

"Yes it did." Harry insisted. 

"Look," Liam said, "If you're trying to hide it from the rest of us, there's no point. I've known for a while now, and Niall started getting suspicious lately... Zayn just started catching on too. There's just no point in denying it, Louis. It doesn't change anything. It hasn't changed anything."

"Well maybe I just don't see Harry as more than a friend," Louis said, not looking at Harry as he spoke. 

Harry clutched onto his stomach. He didn't need to get sick right now. Every last inch of his body was begging his to go to the bathroom and get rid of all the jello and the pizza but Harry took deep breaths and tried. He'd never tried this hard before to keep himself together.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Harry asked, his voice hoarse. "You didn't seem any different last night." 

Louis took in a slow breath. "I got a call from management today." 

"What did they-?" Harry asked, his eyes darting around. What did they say, what did they know, what did they want from Louis... Harry had too many question to pick just one. 

Liam looked uncomfortable like he wasn't sure if he was still supposed to be a part of this conversation or if he should join Niall and Zayn back on the couches where they were pretending they couldn't hear most of Harry and Louis' fight. 

Louis looked at the cigarette in his hands while he answered, still not looking at Harry. "They just wanted to warn me that I shouldn't be seen with you." 

"No," Harry said. "No, Louis, you're not a puppet, you can be seen with whoever you like." 

"You don't understand." Louis said. "There was the Zayn and Perrie drama, then there was the me and Eleanor drama even though at least that news seemed to get around forever after it was already over... and now there's you with your eating disorder- no offense- but there just isn't allowed to be another scandal right now." 

"You're-" Harry started. "No." he said. 

Liam looked between the two of them, and since Harry no longer looked like he was about to strangle Louis, Liam decided to back out of their conversation and join Niall and Zayn on the other end of the bus.

"Come up to my bunk," Louis said quietly. 

Harry climbed up awkwardly, his long legs struggling to ease gracefully into the small bunk. 

Louis finally made eye contact with Harry. "Hi," he whispered once Harry had laid down next to him. 

"Oops," Harry whispered, smiling faintly. 

Louis cupped a hand around Harry's sharp jawline and trailed his fingers gently down Harry's neck as he kissed him gently. 

"Are you okay, love?" Louis asked, his eyes gleaming as he tried not to join Harry in crying. Lou didn't cry easily. 

"No I'm not okay," Harry said, his eyes scanning Louis', trying to understand what was happening. His head felt foggy and he couldn't tell if it was the drinks or just that the words Louis was saying were making no sense. "Are you... breaking up with me?" 

Louis nodded and started crying, not the slow tears that Harry had built up but thick and heavy sobs. 

"Babe, please don't," Harry said, grabbing Louis' hand with the hand that had the anchor tattoo, so that the rope and the anchor aligned. 

Louis was struggling to breathe now. Harry had never seen him like this before. 

"Lou... babe, calm down." Harry murmered, rubbing Louis' back gently. "It'll be okay," he said softly. "Please don't leave me," he added, leaning forward to kiss Louis on the cheek. "Please don't leave."

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