Collarbones and Kisses

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Louis felt cold, and reached for the blanket. When did it fall off? He sat up and realized he was on the couch. He must have fallen asleep next to... 


Where was Harry? 

Louis bolted off the couch and headed straight for the bathroom where he found his friend kneeling on the floor trembling. 

"Did you...?" Louis asked. "Please don't. Please say you didn't, Haz." 

Harry was breathing rapidly and had his eyes squeezed shut. "I'm trying not to," he said quietly. 

Louis grabbed Harry by the arm and pulled him off the ground. "C'mon," he said. "Let's get you to bed."

"Lou, I can't- what if I get sick? I need to stay here." Harry said, his voice rising a little in panic. 

"I'm not letting you get sick," Lou said, leading Harry into the bedroom. He turned on the dim lamp on the bedside table and sat down on the bed next to Harry.  

"I ate so much today though, Lou," Harry said, "If I don't get it out now it's gonna-"

"It's going to what?" Louis asked, suddenly snapping out of frustration. He wished he could just make Harry realize how much he needed a little more weight on him. "What's so bad about weighing a little more, Hazza? I weigh more than you." 

"I don't know," Harry said, biting on his thumbnail. "It's just different, it's just... I can't, I just don't want to have that on me. It's going to make me fat." he said quietly.

Louis stared at Harry like he was insane. "Look," Louis said. "I know there's something up here," he ran his hand through Harry's curls, "that's telling you that you shouldn't gain any weight, but can you please please just see it the way I see it just for a minute?" Louis looked at Harry, and Harry could barely see the blue irises in the dark, Lou's eyes looked nearly black. "Take your shirt off." 

"What?" Harry asked. 

"Take it off," Lou said, and removed his own faded black muscle tee. 

Harry bit the inside of his cheek and tried not to stare. "What are you doing?" he asked, trying to look Lou in the eyes and not just at his stomach, which was a flat span of muscle covered in ink and impossible not to stare at. 

"Just take your shirt off, Hazza, I need to show you something", Lou insisted. 

Harry slowly peeled out of the HIPSTA PLEASE t-shirt that he'd fallen asleep in. He was too aware of Lou's eyes on him, and he folded his arms across his chest as soon as he got out of his shirt. 

Louis took Harry's hand and moved it onto his stomach. "What does that feel like to you?" he asked. 

Harry chewed on his lower lip. Louis' stomach felt like a mix of hard muscle and soft skin, and he was so warm. Harry shivered a little, and cleared his throat. "It feels... nice," he said quietly.

"It doesn't feel fat to you?" Lou asked gently. Harry shook his head. 

Louis moved Harry's hand over to his own stomach, and put his hand next to Harry's. 

"What does this feel like then?" he asked.

Harry felt Lou's thumb brush across his hipbone and he felt his breath catch in his throat. "Um," he said, struggling to concentrate on anything but Louis' hand on his stomach. 

"It feels too thin to me, Haz," Louis said softly. "I wish there were more of you." he started to move his hand off of Harry's stomach, but Harry took it and moved it back before he could stop himself. 

"More of me where?" he asked. He felt the same feeling that he'd been trying to avoid- this sense of being drawn closer and closer to his friend, but Lou looked so fucking good in the dim light, and it was late and Harry was tired, and all he could think about was Louis' hand on his hip. "Show me," he said, feeling his heart racing. 

Lou smiled, but it came out a bit like a smirk. 

Harry felt like his heart must be slamming against his rib cage now and he wondered if you could get a heart attack in your twenties. 

Lou put his hands on Harry's shoulders and pushed him, so he was laying down on the bed and under Lou. 

"I want more of you here," he said, trailing his fingers along Harry's hips. Harry bit his lip and tipped his head back to keep from moaning as Louis kissed his hipbone and then gently ran his tongue across it. "More of you here," Louis continued, running his hand across Harry's stomach and across his butterfly tattoo. "And more of you here," he whispered, kissing Harry's collarbones. By this point, Louis was laying on top of Harry, holding his wrists down against the bed while he worked his way up his body. 

"Lou," Harry moaned, "Lou, that feels good."

Louis let go of Harry's wrists, and Harry immediately wound them in Lou's hair as he started kissing Harry's neck. 

Harry moaned again, he couldn't help it. Lou's whole body was pressed up against his, and he could feel Lou's abs and Lou's hips and Lou's lips which were finding the sweet spot on Harry's neck. "Can you kiss me?" Harry whispered between moans. 

Lou got up off Harry and looked him in the eyes. Harry was breathing rapidly, and his eyes were wide as he looked up at Lou- who was gorgeous in the soft light- almost pleading. 

Louis was quiet for a moment, just looking at Harry with the same look that Haz just didn't understand, and he could hear Lou's quick breaths, in and out. He turned away from Harry. 

"I... I have to go," Lou said, getting up off the bed. 

"Oh, okay," Harry said, sitting up. He was still tangled in the bed sheets. "But it's the middle of the night, Lou," he said, handing Louis his t-shirt, which he was trying to find without looking at Harry. 

"Jesus, Harry," Louis said irritably, grabbing his shirt and putting it on as fast as he could manage. "You needed space yesterday, I need space now- what's the big deal? I'm just fucking sick of sharing a room, okay? It's not working out."

"I'm sorry," Harry said. His throat felt tight.  

Lou gathered up his phone, his wallet, and his hoodie, and left with a slam of the door. 

Harry didn't fall back asleep that night, he laid curled up in a ball until the sun came up- on Lou's side of the bed. 

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