Good morning, Dear!

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Hey, have you heard?

Heard what?

That there is a disgusting monster roaming this village!

What?! No way! Monsters aren't real... Are they

I don't know... But all these missing people are making me think they ARE real! What if they come to get me next?!

Oh dear... I bet it's something awful... A disgusting, ugly monster that might eat you!


"Good morning, dear!"

The rays of light suddenly entered the room, making the place warmer by contact

The voice which had called upon the girl slowly walked towards the bed with slow strides and tapped on his crane
"It's time to get up now!" He said with an awfully cheery voice

The girl in the bed groaned and threw a pillow at the boy, and suprisingly, he allowed it to hit his face, the pillow sliding down afterwards

"Go away... I'm sleepy..." She mumbled into her sheets and snuggled into the warmth

The sleepy girl heard a small chuckle behind her and then suddenly...
"I said..." The boy suddenly grasped the sheets that were keeping the poor girl warm and
"Get up!" He yelled cheerfully as he ripped the white sheets off her making the girl screech in suprise

"What's your problem?! I just wish to sleep, is that too much to ask?" She whined as she slowly sat up on her bed

The boy chuckled and placed the now folded sheet on the beds foot. "It's already morning you should get up or the beauty of the sun will go to waste before you see it~" He said approaching the girl again

The girl groaned and pushed him slowly away from herself
"Don't get too close we're not married!" She sighed as she slowly got up from her bed and wore her slippers

The morning went normal even if there was a literal murderer staying with her. For an odd reason he seemed awfully sweet and caring,like a little brother or an overly doting husband... Wait no, not husband-

(Y/N) felt a small rush inside her as she realized what she was thinking about and shook her head, trying to get rid of the weird feeling. Of course this wasn't hidden from the baku as he slowly walked behind the girl with a small smirk

"What is the pretty lady thinking about~?" He whispered to her ear while she was drinking some water

Knowing (Y/N) and her jumpy actions she accidentally breath in while drinking which resulted in the water to go in the wrong pipe... She ended up coughing horribly with some water coming from her nose

"Will you not do that while I'm eating?! Seriously I could've died!" She yelled as she quickly wiped away her face with a small napkin

The napkin was a little worn out and some of the stiches seemed to be loos. Seeing this the baku sighed and reached to his pocket and took out a small pink napkin. This one looked a lot better than the current one she was using so... He slowly took the one in her hands with a gentle grip and placed the new one instead

The small gesture made the girl panick and mumble incoherent words...
'She's flustered~' he thought with a small smile

He quickly waved his hand with the worn out napkin and the item disappeared into thin air

Dream Eating Monochrome Baku (Kagamine Len x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now