A bakery

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After eating their nice biryani, the two slowly started getting ready for the night. Len had changed into loose pjamas that (Y/N) had bought for her in the morning while the girl wore her nightdress

They cleaned the house and (Y/N) slowly entered her bed, the boy standing beside the door with a perplexed look. He was wondering if she genuienly trusted him enough to let her guard down around him or she just trusted the contract to keep her safe

The contract or him
Which one made you feel safe the most

Shaking his head he slowly made his way towards the girl who was lying on the bed. Had she fallen asleep? Quite the heavy sleeper for someone so careful

"If you keep watching over me like that I'll get creeped out instead of sleeping." She said opening an eye open to look at him with a small smirk

Len chuckled and bowed as an apology
"Sorry Milady~ I'll leave and come see if you've fallen asleep in an hour then." He said pulling his hoodie over his head and leaving

The girl giggled at his act and hugged her pillow,closing her eyes in contentment. For some odd reason she felt safe around him, even if he was a little disturbing at times, he was still dependable nonetheless

Slowly falling into the dream land she sighed one last time and let her exhaustion take over her body, knowing even if she had a bad dream he would be there to protect her


That was all your head was telling you to do. Breathing uneven, stumbling in every step, heartbeat irregular. A closed off house that seemed too small to even fit a family was closing it's walls on you. Everything felt like it was suffocating...

Not being able to handle all the pressure your body gave up as you tumbled upon the floor with a loud thud. Your head screamed for you to get up but your body froze. The screams got louder every second you didn't move but your body still refuses, almost like the wooden planks underneath you refused to let you go

A girl crying was echoing through the dark house and another voice was scolding her. Telling her she was being irrational and stupid, that she was just dragging their family in the mud

Body finally listening, you slowly got up from the floor. The screams had stopped but your body was still shaking in fear, hands trembling, you came across a door. It seemed similar and the voices inside could be heard

'I knew these books would be bad for you!'
'Dad please-!'

A daughter and a father seemed to be arguing. You slowly placed your hands on the door and leaned in to hear what they were saying
'You can no longer visit that woman! She's a horrible role model for you!'
'Mom listen-!'

Not being able to handle the poor girl getting scolded any more (Y/N) slammed the door open only to see familiar faces

"Rin..." She whispered when she saw the blonde girls face tainted with tears while her parents held the ripped books in their hands

Rin snapped her head towards the girl in anger as her face became red from frustration. She stomped her way over to her while the tears in her eyes slowly turned a dark red and started pooling down her cheeks... Blood... Blood was running down her face. That wasn't Rin... Rin wouldn't look that angry at someone. She was too kind, so much that she couldn't even hurt a bug. But this Rin she was faced with suddenly reached a hand towards her in attack but it was suddenly stopped by a gust of wind

The scary illusion of Rin became dust with her supposed parents and disappeared into the abyss. The house started to shake and collapse and the ground you were standing on was barely holding itself. You tried to escape but it was all futile as the second you moved, the ground decided to say goodbye

Dream Eating Monochrome Baku (Kagamine Len x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now