What is he doing in my house?!

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{"You're the boy from the market place!"}

Chapter 5


(Y/N) stared at the boy who stood in front of her with a cane in his hand. The moon was their only source of light so (Y/N) still couldn't see his features properly

The boy took a step forward and (Y/N), in a hurry, inched away from him. She held the soft blanket of her bed close to her chest as she looked in horror at the boy

Not only was he a stranger, he was also a boy. A boy and a girl in the same room was a big deal, especially if they were not acquaintend

Millions of scenerios crossed through (Y/N)'s mind
'Is he going to kill me? Or is he a thief?!'

The boy chuckled behind his hand and slowly aproached the girl, who only tried to disappear into the corner. He held out his hand towards her and smiled

"Don't worry young miss, I'm not here to harm you~" He said in a whisper, as if he was trying to tame a wild animal

Even though (Y/N) was still scared his words made her relax. It felt like she was floating as he spoke. Feeling a small breeze, she came back to her senses and hesitantly shooked the boys hand

The boy smiled and approached her face. Of course, having the opposite gender right in her face would freak her out
(Y/N)'s face suddenly turned red and she quickly got up from her bed and stood up on it, while she was holding the pillow like a weapon

"What do you want?" She asked as she gripped her pillow "Who are you?! How did you get in?!"

The girl bombarded the boy with questions as he stood there, smiling like an idiot as she threw more questions at him

Once (Y/N) was finished the boy tilted his head sideways and kept the serene smile on his face
"Are you done?" He asked as the girl let out the breath she was holding in

The boy took this as a yes and tapped his crane on the ground and gave a small bow to the women in front of him

"Well, miss..." He started talking as he got up from his bow "I sensed you having some problems with sleep~ I was hoping to help you, if you let me of course."

(Y/N) wanted to slap the boy and scream for help but for some reason she didn't- more like she couldn't-

The boys voice was so soft and cute that she wanted him to talk forever. All of her worries for the day had vanished in an instant when she heard his voice. It was like magic...

(Y/N) quickly snapped back to reality and stood her ground...

The boy had asked to help her with sleep... Could this be it... That disgusting monster who had killed her dear friends! If she could take him down right now, it'll all be over. Her friends and family won't be in danger any longer. They'll go back to their old selves, Genevieve and Valerie would come back and they would have tea parties again! They would laugh again! They would see eachother and enjoy their warmth again!

Anger welling up inside of her she quickly threw the pillow towards him as he skilfully dodged it. The boy looked at the pillow that had landed on the ground and then turned his gaze over to the girl who was staring at him like he was trash

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