A forgotten memory

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Again you were in the dark. But this time you weren't yourself... You were a small boy with dirty blonde hair and messy clothing. It looked like you were out in the field all day, playing with friends as mud had covered your small,calloused hands

'Seriously what's with me and blondes... Len must be rubbing off on me'

You slowly walked through the darkness and reached a small forest. The chittering of bugs and sleeping animals could be heard. But unlike a normal forest this one had a stone path right in the middle,probably leading to somewhere private

'Ah! I'm late'

You thought and quickly jogged inside the forest. Small trips here and there, you finally reached a flowing river that seperated the outside with your nice,warm home
'I wonder if mom will like these!'
You looked down at your hands and saw a bouquet of yellow roses, similar to your hair, they were a little ripped because of all the running you had done

Slowly approaching the small house in the middle of the forest you saw more surrounding it. Almost like a humble town. With cautious steps you quickly jumped over the river with the bouquet bouncing slightly in your hands. A small petal had fallen down to the cold water but you couldn't reach for it in fear of falling with it. So you just watched it sadly float away, maybe it'll find a nice home and a family. It was something nice to dream about

Finally crossing the river you jogged to your old run down house. The garden in front of your house was also small and mossy, but apparently your mother liked the look of mossy stones so she just let them sit there in quiet. Reaching towards the aged door handle you slowly opened it with a loud creak. Whoever was sleeping probably was awake now considering even crows flew away from the sound

'Mom, I'm home!'
You said but the voice that came out wasn't yours again. You were still a young boy with messy hair so your voice had changed too

Heavy footsteps started to reveal themselves as a large figure emerged from the shadows. The moonlight shining from the windows gave certainty to who this mysterious person was

Eyes filling with adoration you quickly ran towards the elderly figure and threw yourself at them. Instead of throwing you away in disgust they quickly grabbed you by the armpits and spinned you around lovingly

"Mom! Look I got you flowers! You said you liked yellow, right?" You furiously waved the flowers in her pale face. She had beautiful grey eyes and long blonde hair that fell down her shoulders in small strands. She truly looked like a model

She laughed elegantly and placed your messy self on the ground while gently grabbing the flowers from your muddy hands

"Thank you..." She said before falling to a coughing fit. She was frail and sick, her eyes being dull grey proved as much
Feeling bad towards your dear mother you held her hand in comfort, although I'm not really sure how much a 10 year old can give comfort, you still tried

Suddenly a knock on the door was heard and it slowly opened to reveal your aunt. She had blonde hair just like your mother but what was different was that unlike hers, she had ocean blue eyes that could capture anyone that dared look into them

"Sister, have I not told you to rest?!" She quickly stomped inside and pulled her up from the ground with a huff "Seriously this is what you get for..." Her sentence was stopped midway as she locked eyes with you. She sneered towards you and turned around
"You're still keeping him?! Have I not told you about what happens to the boys in this family?" She said and quickly brought your sickly mother to her private room
You had followed them in and slid the door slightly open to see what they were doing. Your mother slowly placed the flowers onto her chest and spoke in a whisper
"He's nothing but a child... He deserves love." Your mother coughed one last time before letting herself fall into the land of dreams

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