Labeled As Traitors

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"Ok so, there is a world called Monochrome."
"And if a person stays there for too long they'll lose their memories..."
"Correct again!"
Len chirped while (Y/N) just stared at him with wide eyes
"What if we lose our memories too?! You might be used to it but I treasure the time I spent with my friends!" She yelled as she shook his shoulders, making him stumble back and forth. He just laughed and gently grabbed her hand "Don't worry..." he said with a kind smile "As long as we don't exceed the three day rule we'll be fine!" He brightened up and threw himself onto her waist which she responded by grabbing his back to stop herself from falling

(Y/N) sighed and looked at the boy that was hugging her waist... He was too cute... Suddenly (Y/N) felt her heart beat faster. How embarrassing...

She removed him from her waist and started walking upstairs and the boy followed her like a lost puppy. He asked her what she was doing and she responded by throwing a bag at his face

She really loved throwing things at him huh?

"If we're going for three days we need supplies. I don't have a shotgun but we can take the kitchen knives-"
"Whoa whoa wait!" He panicked and placed the bag on the ground. The girl just looked weirdly at him, did he have a phobia of knives too? But Len stopped her before she could think any further "We don't need them! What are you planning to do?! Stab someone in Monochrome!"

She just grabbed her chin and thought out loud "Well there might be a time where we could get attacked or captured... we might need something to cut it up" she said as she looked back at him. The boy grit his teeth in annoyance and groaned loudly. Slapping a hand on his forehead, he started to speak again "Listen. There is nothing dangerous there... I might get punished for not visiting for a while but you won't get hurt! I'm the only one they can target since that place is literally made for humans who were foolish enough to trust a Baku..." he said

(Y/N) huffed loudly "Are you implying something?!" She said and started pulling at his ear which he whined at
"Yeah! If I were a human I wouldn't trust a baku! Not even myself!" He said and rubbed the red spot. Even if it hurt he didn't mind the extra attention he got from her
The said girl just laughed and started packing bandaids without the boy seeing. She might've slipped a fruit knife in there too just in case

All the time Len just kept whining about how it was taking her ages to get ready and that they would need none of the stuff she packed. Once she was ready she walked downstairs to tell him that everything was ready and all she needed was him... that sounded kind of wrong...

Len floated beside her and stared at what she was carrying on her back. It was a small bag that slung from her shoulders like a child... he noticed there was something else. A small keychain that had a boy with blonde hair and a cane in his hands
"What's that?" He pointed out

The (h/c) hair colored girl hummed and turned around to show him the full keychain. The boy was holding a girls hand... she looked similar to the doll he had
"I copied the dolls you had!" She smiled brightly and shook it, making them jingle as they bumped into the bag "They looked cute so I made a keychain! But if it's bothering you I can take them off!" She said and quickly turned back at him who was just staring dumbfounded at the girl. Slowly a blush started to creep up into his face. Wanting to hide his cherry face he turned around and laughed "Quite the craftsmanship! But you need to be original you know." He said and turned around to look at the girl with a smirk which he was met with a bonk on his head

"Honestly!" She huffed "Here I am trying to make you happy and you always give me a teasing remark!" She said and looked at the boy angrily

Dream Eating Monochrome Baku (Kagamine Len x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now