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"Over here!" The red headed boy yelled at the girls to keep up with him

The place was shaking and the memories they had started to get blurry. What would happen if they stayed here longer?

Suddenly a crash occured. (Y/N) looked down to see her purple haired friend on the ground
"V! Get up!" She yelled at her and kicked her lightly

The purple haired girl only groaned in response and stared at the ceiling
"I'm so tired..." She mumbled

Fukase quickly ran back and gently pulled her up in a bridle style
"Her memories are faded it's normal." He said while running back towards the exit

They safely made it outside in one piece but right before they could get any further an explosion occured in the tower

The dark splotches of memories started flying around as the tower crumbled under the force of Yukari

Fukase looked up to see a faint blob of yellow soar through the air and it was none other than his friend Len. The girl next to him cried out in suprise, hoping what she was seeing was fake

Len tumbled down on the floor, dust flying up as he tried to gain his balance back from the blow Yukari dealt him

"I'm giving you two options." She spoke while descending down to his level
"Either die now or..." She pointed her staff towards his face "or you lose everything."

The boy chuckled lightly. He had nothing to lose after all. Everything had been lost when he was forcefully turned into a baku

He never wanted this. He never wanted to be born into a cursed family. But even if he was from a damned bloodline he still had one thing

One last hope he could hold on to


In the distance a girl wearing a long dress was running towards them with a clock in her hands
Yuzuki looked annoyed at the girls interruption but couldn't bring herself to stop the young girl. She looked so full of hope yet she decided to follow him?

The girl reached Len and quickly hugged his neck protectively, putting a barrier between him and Yuzuki
"Len did nothing wrong! Please don't hurt him any longer!" She glared at the strong woman in front of her with shaky eyes

She was afraid

Yuzuki scoffed and tapped her staff on the ground
"Why don't we make a deal?" She smirked while reaching a hand towards the human

(Y/N) let go of Len hesitantly and stood up. Yuzuki gave her a sweet smile
So sweet that you could forget she was another baku, a trickster

"(Y/N)! Don't!" Len yelled and quickly grabbed the hem of the dress "Please..." He begged silently

The girl he was in love with smiled but didn't pay mind to his pleas. She turned back to Yuzuki and asked for what the conditions of the deal were

"It's quite simple actually..." Yuzuki waved her hand, making purple light come out, just like Len did when they first made the deal
"Len will become human." She stated simply

The couples eyes shot open when they heard the girl talk. What? Make a baku become human? Especially one that was cursed to be one
"Yuzuki this isn't funny." Len growled under his breath

Yuzuki kept smiling innocently and then banged her staff strongly on the ground, almost splitting the place in half
"But!" She yelled "Len will not remember a thing. Not his past nor his name. Nothing. He will become an empty husk with no memories." She said

"What about me?" (Y/N) asked "What will happen to me..."

The female bakus face lit up once more "You will remember everything happened." She said a matter of factly

Dream Eating Monochrome Baku (Kagamine Len x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now