That old lady!

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Soft snores could be heard in the small house... but they gradually got louder as the night went on
"I feel bad to whoever she's gonna marry..." a certain blonde boy mused while staring at (Y/N)'s sleeping form. She genuinely looked pretty when she's asleep but the way she would snore destroys everything. Bringing a gloved hand up he lightly brushed away the hair strands that got in her mouth and chuckled. It was time to give her a nice dream after all

He put his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes, that way he could enter her land of dreams and allow her to see whatever her heart desired. But while thinking of a good story to give her he came up with a devious plan. It wouldn't hurt to let himself indulge in a little roleplay now would it?
A young girl with (h/c) hair color was sitting in a sunny garden filled with white egret orchids. Her white, fluffy dress sprawled all across the dirt but it never got stained with the brown that was covering the ground. It was glowing like a firefly, rivaling the suns own bright beauty

She heard small footsteps approach her so she turned around to see who was interrupting her moment of peace. But her irritation was gone thee second she saw who was waiting behind her
'Len!' She thought happily as she quickly patted the ground next to her. Even though she wasn't talking the said boy understood her wishes and placed himself on the ground, sitting right beside her
She turned towards him with eyes glinting in happiness and held his hand in hers. Slowly bringing her hand towards his mouth, he gave her knuckles a chaste kiss making her laugh silently and quickly hug his waist. Not being able to handle the weight the two tumbled over the grassy grass in eachothers arms. Lens laughter broke through the silence of the field and echoed through the air making the girl feel a bubble inside her heart. It expanded everytime he laughed or looked at her... it kept growing and growing until it exploded and made her fall into breathless laughs

The girl and the boy enjoyed eachothers company as the white egret orchids tickled their faces... it was truly a happy time for them
A weird noise broke through the room as the sleeping girl awoke from her deep slumber. She slowly realized the sound she made and looked around to see if Len heard it... knowing the boy he wouldn't stop teasing her about it like the saliva incident
But Len wasn't on the doorway like he would always be-no-he was right next to her, sitting on a chair with his head slumped sideways as he slept. This was the first time (Y/N) had seen him sleep... scratch that this was the first time she'd ever seen him look so peaceful and delicate. He kept saying that he was a monster and should be feared but the sight she was witnessing said otherwise. His hair was dishelved and his lips were partly open... now that she looked closer she realized that his lips were quite shiny
'What the heck?! Did he use my lip balm?!' She thought in shock but stopped when she heard him mumble in his sleep. It was incoherent but it was obvious that he was having a nice dream like hers

Not being able to hold herself (Y/N) reached a hand towards his chin and placed a thumb on his lower lip,brushing it slightly.... he was wearing her lip balm that's for sure...
'I could've bought you one if you asked!' She whispered angrily and tightened her grip on the boys face which made him grumble in annoyance. Slowly opening his eyes, he blinked to get rid of the  sleep in them. Now dully awake he noticed that (Y/N) was right in front of his face,noses almost touching from the closeness, steady breaths fanning his cheeks as she looked at him angrily

His pale face suddenly turned red and he pushed the girl away from him in an instant,making her tumble back down on the bed with a yelp. Hastily grabbing his chest he tried to cal, himself down while staring at the girl who was rubbing her head in annoyance
"I'm sorry for that but did you really have to push me that hard?" The girl yelled as she pat down her hair that got messy when she fell
Len didn't say anything and snapped his eyes away from her iron gaze. Standing up suddenly he ran to the corner to get her basket and went outside to go shopping. (Y/N) extended a hand but he quickly slipped by her grasp, leaving her alone in the house

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