You're not off the hook!

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{There is nothing there}

Chapter 7


The three girls stared at eachother for a whole minute, none of them making a sound

The silence was broken when Rin chuckled and walked over to her delusional friend

"Sleep deprivation sometimes makes you see stuff, (Y/N)." She took her hand in hers and guided her back to the bed
"You should rest and not think so much. I'll go make some tea for you to sleep better~" She said with a smile

Rin turned back to Miku who was looking at them with worry filled in her eyes. The two girls nodded to eachother and walked back downstairs as (Y/N) kept staring at the wall

When the two were gone (Y/N) slowly got up from her bed, propping herself on her elbows as she kept staring at the thing, who only kept smiling like cheshire cat.

After another minute (Y/N) squinted her eyes, wondering if she was actually seeing things
Oh, how she wished for that thing to not exist at all. How she wanted that thing to be a part of her mind and not real

After being fed up with working her brain, (Y/N) came to the conclusion that; this thing isn't real and is only in her mind

She quickly pulled the covers on her face and turned her back to the thing

The Baku sighed and walked over to her bed, hovering over her

"I'm not your imagination, if that's what you were thinking." The thing said

(Y/N) let out an exasperated sigh. She quickly stood up as the Baku jumped back to not headbutt her

The annoyed girl kept staring at the boy with squinted eyes

"Listen, you can't get rid of me. Also I'm not an 'it'. I'm a boy and I would be happy if you used the right pronouns." The baku said with an equal amount of annoyance

"Will you really not leave me alone until you give me dreams and murder me?" She sighed


"I was hoping you'd say the opposite of that..." She said as she plopped back down onto her bed, using one arm to cover her eyes

The boy leaned over to her again, casting a small shadow on her face

"So..." She said as she lowered her arm from her face "How did they not see you?"

The boy smiled again and pointed towards the window
"As long as the sun is up, only a certain amount of people can see me~"

(Y/N) looked dumbfounded at the boy as she tried to understand what he said
After registering what he said, she went back to wallowing in pity

"Ugh..." She groaned as she covered herself up with the balnket "Why me..."

She slowly stood up and stared at the boy
"How am I able to see you then?"
She asked

The boys smile didn't falter as he opened his mouth to speak
"Well, people who see me at nighttime can see me in the morning." He said as he tapped his crane

(Y/N) nodded, understanding what he said... Until she realized that she was talking to a murderer

"Gah!" She yelled as she threw a pillow at his face

The boy stumbled back a little,shaken by the sudden violence. After balancing himself,which took him a second to do, he pulled the pillow from his face and stared at the girl with a disappointed stare

'Why did she feel the need to do that...' He thought as he threw the pillow back at her
"Listen... You won't get rid of me by using pillows as weapons."

"I'll never know if I never try." (Y/N) answered back, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she grabbed another pillow

"You know..." The Baku said as he turned his back towards the girl "You almost spilled the tea about me today~" He said as he turned his head to smirk at the young girl

Silence fell for a few minutes as they stared at eachother
(Y/N) took a close look at the boys features. His eyes were round and cyte, just like a little boy. His hair looked fluffy,like a fluffy cloud... She wanted to pet him

(Y/N) slowly reached a hand over to the boys hair and pat his head slowly

The boy,unfamiliar with the gesture, started fidgeting as (Y/N) kept petting his head

'What is she doing?!' he thought as he kept still on his place as the girl kept touching his hair and hat

(Y/N), after realizing what she was doing, quickly retracted her hand and blushed furiously as she looked at the boys now messy hair

She closed her mouth with her hand in an attempt to calm herself down.

(Y/N) quickly hid down inside her sheets and tried to get herself to sleep and forget this ever happened

The boy kept staring at the girl who was currently hiding under the covers. His face was slightly flushed from the affection she gave him. He still was new to this baku business and this was the first time someone had touched him like that

The girl had a small smile when she had pet him. It looked like she was enjoying herself... How annoying

The boy grimaced at the girls affection
'Is this how humans greet eachother now? Humanity is taking a turn for the worse'

The boy shook his head and quickly pulled the covers away from the girl
"Listen." He said sternly as he kept staring at her "Enough beating around the bush! If you do not wish to make a deal with me I will keep an eye on you!" He said sternly

"I don't care what happens to you or your friends, I'm just here to survive! But I cannot do that if you go around telling people about me." He ended with a strong tap on the ground with his cane that made the ground shake

The girl stared at hm for a minute before getting angry herself
"What!?" She yelled as she got up from her bed. The boy wasn't very shorter than the girl but because of the tension in the air it looked like she was towering over him

"Survive?! You think I'll allow you to survive when you go around killing innocent people for your 'survival'"

She pressed a firm finger on his chest and slowly pushed him
"You things are nothing but murderers! There are so many other things your power could do but you use it for such barbaric actions!"

The baku felt nothing at the girls words. It didn't matter to him what a lowly town girl was speaking of

The boy slowly grasped her wrist. Unlike all the other times, this grip was soft. But that didn't last much longer when he quickly tightened his grip on her wrist

"According to whom am I barbaric? Your standards? Just who are you exactly to tell me the way I'm supposed to survive? Humans have slowly become selfish and you're one of the examples."

(Y/N) yelped and ripped her hand away from the boys deathly grip
She stared at him with widened eyes as she held her bruising hand

'What's with him and wrists?! I already have a bruise, I don't need another one!'

The boys eyes became colder by the second before he shook his head and walked to the window
"Whatever... Don't think you're off the hook just because I'm leaving." He said as he put his foot on the railing "I'll be back soon."

And with that he disappeared into the day

Chapter 7


Sorry for taking so long and updating a small chapter. I'm just lazy

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