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{Gumi... Wherever you are I hope you're safe}

Chapter 2


As the day went by there still was no trace of Gumi. She suddenly disappeared and nothing was left of her

The girls of the town were frantically searching for their dear friend who had gone missing
Slowly everyone started to lose hope. Gumi was gone and nobody knew where she was

The green haired hyperactive girl who was the sun of the town. She would always smile and take care of her dear sister

(Y/N), Miku and Rin were searching around the market place for the tenth time to find one clue about their friends disappearance... But there was nothing... All trace of Gumi was gone...

'Just one thing! A hair clip or even a ripped cloth! Anything would do just please let there be a clue!' (Y/N) was thinking to herself as she ran through the clothing part of the market

The sun was starting to set but the girls didn't give up. They would find their friend no matter what

(Y/N) ran through a corner as she searched but she suddenly came to a halt when she saw a figure that was looking at the sun

(Y/N) quickly came to her senses and called to the figure and she walked towards them. But while approaching the figure she realized something... That was not her green haired friend... No... It was someone else... A figure that looked strangely familiar

She quickly took a step back. The figure gave off a weird aura... A one that made her cautious of them
While she was walking away she stepped on a pebble making a small sound

The figure must've heard her because they flinched and looked behind

He had blonde hair and held a white cane in his hand. He had grey eyes and pointy ears like a cute elf

(Y/N) locked eyes with the stranger and they stared at each other for what felt like an eternity but was actually a few seconds

The boy fully turned around and looked at the girl with a blank stare. (Y/N) felt pressure under his gaze. It felt as if he was staring right into her soul and listening to her thoughts. (Y/N) snapped back into reality when the boy started talking

"I'm sorry miss, but I am not the person you're looking for." The boy said as he tapped on his cane
(Y/N) flinched and shook her head
"I apologize! I mistook you for someone else!" She then looked at the boy dead in the eye "But have you seen a girl that is kind of short and has short green hair?"

The boy tapped his chin and looked up at the orange sky. He then shook his head
"I'm sorry I did not see her. I'm quite new to this town so I have trouble remembering faces. I hope you find her though~" The boy said as he walked past (Y/N). For some weird reason (Y/N) latched onto the boys wrist, not allowing him to leave

The boy stopped and looked at the girl,slight irritation could be seen in his eyes
(Y/N) didn't even flinch under his cold gaze and kept staring at him
The boy gave an awkward smile and spoke "Miss, you're holding my wrist. Could I ask of you to let g-"

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