Did anyone see a weird boy?

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{(Y/N) nodded and went near Miku and all three of them fell into a peaceful slumber}

Chapter 4


The girls stirred in their sleep as small rays of sunshine entered the room. Rin was the first one to open her eyes, she slowly looked around the empty room they had stayed for the night

She reluctantly got up from the warm bed and looked at her friends

Miku was sleeping in the middle and (Y/N) was next to her. The girls had their hands intertwined and were breathing slowly, it was obvious that they were still asleep

Rin got out of the bed and slowly made her way to the door, making sure she didn't wake her dear friends

But her efforts of not waking them up failed when Teto opened the door,quite harshly, and shouted at the girls to get up

The asleep girls' eyes shot open and they quickly got into a sitting position. Rin sweatdropped at the old lady as she kept telling them to 'get up and be productive'

Rin rubbed her eyes, still sleepy even after all that yelling, and asked Teto what time it is

"Oh, it's 6am." She said nonchalantly

The girls all stared at the woman in shock
"But the market place isn't even open yet!" Miku said as the two girls nodded their heads furiously "What do you expect us to do?!"

Teto glared at the girls and waved her hand in a dismissing behaviour
"Go make some breakfast, won't you. I got old, you three youngins should be the ones looking after me." She said and made her way downstairs

The girls sighed at her and slowly got out from the bed
"Rin? Did you wake up early?" (Y/N) asked as she went over to her friend who shook her head in response

"I just woke up too. I was going to go downstairs until Miss Teto barged in"

"I can hear you, you know!" Teto yelled from downstairs

The girls chuckled and quickly changed into their usual attire
They slowly made their way to the kitchen only to see Teto placing the last plate of food on the table
She glanced at the girls and wiped her hands with the apron she was currently wearing

"You three took too long so I made the breakfast" She said as she took of her apron and hung it on the wall "Now Bon Appétit, you bastards."

The girls thanked Teto and sat down on the table. They all had a nice and warm conversation about fashion until (Y/N) remembered what had happened the day before

The girls stopped talking when they noticed how quiet she was getting, so they asked her what was wrong

"It's about the boy..." (Y/N) said as she took a bite of her bread
Teto slowly leaned forward and wiggled her eyebrows
"Hmm~" She hummed "Is little (Y/N) having a love problem~?"

(Y/N)'s face quickly burst into a bright red as she looked away in embarrassment and waved her hands
"It's nothing like that! I assure you!"

Teto chuckled and leaned back onto her chair
"So... What's with this 'boy'?" She asked after taking a sip of her tea

(Y/N) calmed down and turned back to her friends, explaining what had happened again
Teto looked at her with a straight face and then sighed
"That's one weird encounter, may I say"

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