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Keith listened to the professor with interest on his field trip. He was visiting with his class a dormant volcano. "Here is the Red Volcano. People have reported to have seen a mysterious red object crash into the volcano, giving it it's name. Continuing..." Keith stared at the volcano and looked both ways. He grinned and started walking towards the area. A hand pulled on his hoodie,"Just what do you think you're doing, Keith?" Keith gulped and looked at Shiro, holding him up. "Nothing." He said quietly as Shiro sighed. He dropped Keith onto the ground and their class was long gone."You were going to check out the volcano weren't you." Keith sighed, he never could lie to Shiro. "'re not gonna stop me are you?" Shiro thought for a moment,"You're gonna need adult supervision. I'm coming with you." Keith smirked and ran towards the volcano, looking for an opening. He found a long cave, the edges of the molten cracked from a huge impact. Shiro and Keith walked into the cave, lava lightening the path. Shiro stopped suddenly,"Keith wait. We're being followed....Pidge, Hunk, you can come out now." Keith rolled his eyes as two teenagers walked out. Pidge, the youngest in their class being 16 smiled sheepishly as Hunk,18, was looking at the ground ashamed. "We saw you leave the class and we followed you." Shiro rubbed circles around his temples,"You can come with us." 

Pidge and Hunk grinned at each other and ran after them. Keith was lucky to have them both as friends, his only ones. They continued walking till Keith felt something in his chest. Suddenly, there was a loud roar coming from farther down the cave. Immediately, everyone started running towards the noise and gasped. A red, mechanical lion stood with some sort of blue force field surrounding it. No one said a word as Keith placed his hand on the lion's force field and the mouth opened, granting them access to inside the lion. They all entered it cautiously,"Woah, this is like out simulations." Keith sat down at the seat of the cockpit. He placed his hands on the handles and the cockpit turned on with a red light. "Keith don't try anything-WOAH." Shiro yelped as Keith started to levitate off the ground. "Shiro, it's clearly an aircraft..of some sort. It's made to fly and I'm gonna be the one to fly it." Keith grinned. Pidge and Hunk screamed as they flew out the volcano with a great speed.

"Keith, No!"

"Keith, YES!"
Keith flew as fast as he could and had full control. Thankfully, he was the best pilot in his class and few quickly, but safely. At some point, Hunk and Pidge stopped screaming and Shiro relaxed. Keith felt himself getting the hang of it till the red lion suddenly had control of it's own, flying by itself. Hunk and Pidge started screaming again when Keith let go of the handles and they were still flying. Shiro held on to the nearest object big enough for him to cling onto. The lion slowed down and they were long gone from the volcano. In front of them, was a blue castle. The crew 'ooohed' at the beautifully made building. The lion basically kicked them out of it's body and threw them in the castle. Keith looked around the castle, looking for a new adventure. "Keith!-never mind." said Shiro.

Keith found himself in a room filled with holes in the ground. The crew came in and Keith sighed,"There's nothing here, the lion ditched us here." Suddenly from the hole emerged a tube with a male in it. The pod opened and the man, or boy rather, fell and Keith ran to catch him. He caught the boy in his arms and the boy looked up at him. Keith blushed a bit, the man had tan skin and brown hair. Under his eyes were crescents with the color blue. His eyes fluttered open and they were the most beautiful par of clue eyes he had ever seen. His eyes were a mixture of light and dark blues, swirling into each other and had a mischievous gleam in them. He smiled a dazed grin at Keith and spoke tiredly,"Hello, handsome~" Pidge, Shiro, and Hunk stifled their giggled as Keith's face burned red. The beautiful boy's eyes lit up,"You're ears!" He gasped,"They're different from alteans but...they're unique..." When the boy met Keith's eyes his own widened as he admired their different purple color. "Purple...." he murmured and blushed slightly. Keith gently let go of him and the boy got used to walking as everyone stared at him. Another pod went up and a woman with white hair a little bit darker but beautiful skin walked out the pod like a princess. She was just like the boy She opened her eyes and looked around, spotting the boy. 


"Lance!" They ran into each others arms and Hunk and Pidge talked excitedly. A third pod opened up and a man with ginger colored hair jumped out the pods, his hands ready for defense. "Coran!" The older man looked around and smiled,"Prince! Princess! You're okay!" The boy giggled and looked back at the crew, remembering they were not alone. He cleared his throat and the woman saw the crew."Who are you and how did you get here." She said in a thick British accent. Shiro spoke up,"Ma'am, we apologize for intruding. I'm Shiro, this is Keith, Hunk, and Katie." Katie grinned,"But you can call me Pidge." The woman nodded as she knew they weren't a threat."I'm Princess Allura of Altea and this is my little brother, Prince Lance of Altea. This man here is-"

"Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe, but you can call me Coran!"He said joyfully. Allura smiled,"You are currently in the Castle of the Lions, but how did you get here?" She asked again. Keith spoke bluntly,"I flew us here. Well sorta, I found a red lion and I flew in it then it had a mind of it's own and flew us here." The three gasped at the mention of the lion and Prince Lance was blushing immensely."The Red lion let you fly it!?The only person who flew it is King Alfor, our father-" She stopped. "Lance, where is father." Suddenly the alteans were gasping as they remembered and a single tear flew down Allura's cheek. Lance choked out his words,"Father...Altea...they're gone." Allura ran to her brother, hugging him closely. Lance cried silently. Coran frowned,"Altea was our home and planet. King Alfor built the lion you flew and was the paladin. Zarkon and the Galra attacked before we could do anything and Alfor saved his children by putting us in here and me to protect them." A new rage was set in Allura's eyes as she went to a strange object and placed her hands on it. "We've been asleep for...10,000 years.." Everyone gasped,"Zarkon is still alive and we must defeat him. But we need Voltron." Pidge gasped,"Voltron? That legend I heard about? The one where 5 lions and paladins gather together to form something called Voltron and save the universe." Allura nodded,"Yes, that's it. You have found the Red lion and we have the Black and Blue lion. We need the Yellow and Green lions and paladins." Shiro looked at the crew and then at the Alteans. "I want to help for defeat this...Zarkon person and the galra." Keith nodded,"Me too." Pidge grinned,"Me three." Hunk looked at them like they grew three heads,"What?" They all looked at him hopefully,"Fine, me too."

Allura didn't stop thanking them and Lance kept on staring at something. "Keith, you will pilot the Red Lion because of your temper and speed. Shiro will pilot the Black lion, the leader. Green will get Pidge because of his intelligence and tech. And Hunk will have the yellow lion because of his friendliness and gold heart. Blue will be piloted by....Lance." Allura looked at Lance,"Do you accept this? Being a paladin is a lot-"

"I do, I want to defeat Zarkon and the galra for what they did to father." Allura smiled at him sadly. "Thank you, Paladins of Voltron. Something tells me this will be a long ride." Keith glanced at Lance, who was looking at him with a little red in his cheeks. "Something tells me it will."


Prepare for some major angst next chapter!

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