
978 33 4

20th century

The cigarette was enticing, the black smoke in small puffs exiting his mouth was an addictive feeling for Keith. His amethyst eyes glazed over the valley and hills below. In the cold winter air, he sat on the cool bark of the tree and smoked. Thankfully, he wore a wool black jacket, worn out and used from earlier years. His neck was warmed by his hair, the same color of the ink he wrote his newspaper articles with. A bruise, already turning a black and blue color on his arm, pained him only slightly. He liked the feeling of being alone sensation.


Well, not anymore. He looked down and saw the boy of his dreams. Lance, staring up at him with his blue eyes and his tan body shivering in the cold, barely covered by a thin light blue sweater. He smiled sheepishly at him and then started to climb up the tree, warm puffs of air exiting his mouth. Yeah, Keith wanted to kiss that mouth. Not like many people knew that of course. He was a homosexual, yes, but if anyone knew...

Lance did though. He treated him the exact same. Which was why Keith fell in love with the photographer, his partner in the newspaper office. Lance smiled at him tiredly when he made it to the top branch,"Hey." Keith nodded at him,"Hey." Lance frowned at him when he saw him clearly and snatched the smoke out of his hands,"Keith, you shouldn't be smoking. Mama says she doesn't trust them." Keith rolled his eyes, a smirk on his lips,"We're in our twenties, besides we can make decisions by ourselves. And there's nothing wrong with cigarettes. Just a pastime." Lance's frown deepened,"Tough day? Did you get in a fight?" Keith stayed silent. "Keith...." Keith groaned,"Alright, maybe. With Griffin." Lance crossed his arms, trying to hide his shiver,"Again?" Keith shrugged,"Not my fault he's a homophobic asshole." Lance rubbed his hands together,"True. But that doesn't mean you should get violent."

Keith humphed slightly and shrugged. He noticed Lance's shiver and wrapped his jacket around his shoulders. He didn't notice the blush on Lance's cheeks. "Keith, it's dangerous to fight people about homosexuals and rights. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, not at all, just be careful while you're doing it again." Keith mumbled and Lance cupped his warm burning red cheeks,"Please, just stay safe." Keith placed his hand on top of Lance's. "Okay." Lance blushed furiously, this time not going unnoticed by Keith. He smiled slightly, almost shyly, which was nothing like Lance. He let go of Keith, but Keith didn't let go of his hand. Lance stared down at it. "Can I tell you something?" Keith leaned in, clearly nervous and heart racing. Did Lance ever show any signs of liking the same sex? Well, he did like girls. Once, he had a crush on their boss Allura then on Nyma, a friend. Lance was flirtatious and confident, so why was he so fidgety? Lance bit his lip. He looked up at Keith and just..smiled.

Keith was a goner.

Lance leaned in and with slight hesitation and brushing their lips together, kissed him. Keith felt his heart stop for the entirety of the kiss. Lance tilted his head and the gears in Keith's mind started to turn, finally eagerly kissing back. Lance shuddered, not from the cold anymore, and clutched Keith's shirt in his hand like there was no tomorrow. They kissed again and again, each time more passionate and wanting. Lance found himself letting go of Keith and grabbing the cigarette tree so he wouldn't fall. Keith's hands were on his waist, making sure of the same thing. They pulled away, panting from the warm kiss. Keith stared at him and Lance winked, because he just could,"There. You probably figured it out by now." Keith nodded and found himself chasing for one more kiss. Lance chuckled and responded by returning it and cupping his cheeks. After another long kiss, Lance was pressing kisses to Keith's neck and face as Keith spoke breathlessly," So, what now?" Lance's eyes met his and he pulled him into another deep kiss," We run away." Lance continued to kiss his lips again and again between words. Keith's eyes widened,"Run..*kiss kiss* away? What would we..*kiss kiss* do? Well, how? *kiss kiss*" Lance grinned,"We're in our twenties, besides we can make decisions by ourselves." Keith laughed slightly," What would we do?" He asked again. Lance pondered this for two seconds," We can start our own newspaper! And we could start a movement! Secret, obviously. We could do it!" Keith nodded," Then let's."

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