New Years!!!

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I'm scared by siblings gonna read this, so if you are my sibling, don't you dare read.

New York was at it's busiest moment in the year so far. Especially when the year was gonna come to a close in two hours. A new year, a new resolution. Lance had one resolution.

But it was gonna remain a secret for now. Allura had called all of his and her coworkers in the office to celebrate together at her home.Little did he know, Allura invited their boss, Keith Kogane. No one minded though, Keith was a good friendly boss, serious and rough when he needs to be. Lance was his closest friend, being his secretary and the only one able to keep up with his demands. After their party, they went out into the crowded city. Somehow, they all separated leaving only those two. Keith and Lance. Lance and Keith. 

Lance scanned the dark night sky,"We're close to Times Square." Keith nodded,"We better get there quick. We've only got..." He raised his arm to look at his watch but Lance stopped him with his hand and smirked,"We got two hours...let's enjoy ourselves before the year is over." Keith turned beet red as Lance winked at him and turned around. He pointed to a nearby cafe. Let's go to Booba Milk Tea NYC!! I haven't been there in a while!" He grinned and grabbed his boss's hand taking him to the store. Thankfully, it was freezing and not too many people wanted boba tea. Only about 20 people were in line, no biggie. Standing in line wasn't too bad. Lance had his scarf wrapped snugly around his warm neck and he rubbed his hands together a bit. Keith stood by him, being cautious and looking around. His eyes lit up. "Hey Lance, save my spot. I see Shiro and Adam and I am not passing up a chance to embarrass my brother." Lance giggled and nodded.

The line was starting to shorten, thankfully. Suddenly something really nice caught his attention. "Hey there." A young woman, about his age, walked up to him. Lance smiled sweetly,"Hi." She seemed nice enough,"What are you doing here in New York, you live here?" Lance nodded and the conversation continued, but that wasn't his focus. He watched her move fluidly and beautifully. She had warm soft brown eyes, like an ox. Her hair was long and wavy with golden highlights that complemented her sparkling tight gold shirt and plaid skirt with black and gold, fitting her curvy sexy body. And her lips were painted in a shiny pink gloss, so perfect and fitting. But nothing she wore, nothing she did beat Keith.

That was all Lance could think of. His long lashes surrounding his deep purple eyes. His long black hair, soft and made Lance want to run his finger through it and tug at it. A slick slender neck that drove Lance crazy when he pulled his hair in a small ponytail. And the way his eyes were so angry and dangerous and screamed sexy when he was mad and furrowed his thick eyebrows and his pink thin lips coated in their own natural gloss that made Lance just want to bite and bruise so bad, every single day. Just thinking about him made him excited for the new year and the resolution that might make him lose his job. 

The girl wouldn't stop talking, but it was enough time for Lance to daydream about Keith. He felt a strong hand on his shoulder and Lance became weak at the knees. Keith smiled gently and warmly at her,"Anyways, we should probably order." Lance didn't realize he was almost the first in line, he was too focused on the tightening grip Keith hand on him. If only it wasn't just in his shoulder. The girl giggled,"Of course, bye Lance." She winked and he waved,"Bye." Normally, with someone as beautiful as her, he would've flirted. But his heart was taken.

They ordered and sat down outside, sipping their wonderful boba tea. Keith was strangely quiet. "Let's head to Times Square, maybe we'll meet up with everyone there." Lance followed him.

Only ten more minutes, ten more minutes till Lance was gonna perform his resolution. People bumped into them every 5 seconds, pressing Keith's well built body into Lance's healthy slim one. 






Keith looked around, his ears deafening at the cheers. Lance was staring at him and biting his lip, but he didn't notice. He saw a couple starting to lean in and....kiss. He turned to the left and saw the same thing-was this a thing? Then to his right, the same. He turned to Lance and-

A girl was making her way thought the crowd and trying desperately to get closer. At the last second, she reached out and grabbed Lance's arm, pulling her toward him and placing her glossy-

Keith grabbed Lance before she could do a single thing and fucking held him like the world was ending.

That was Lance's dream. Keith holding him protectively. His head was rested comfortably in the slender neck he adored and he shuddered, not from the cold wind of NYC but the warmth that was radiating from Keith. The girl scoffed and the crowd pushed and shoved against her, so she left. For the rest of the few minutes of 2022, Lance was in Keith's arms.

Lance bit his lip. He wasn't able to do his resolution just yet, he still had to do something else. Get them away from the crowd.

Lance separated from him, which was incredibly hard to do. "Thanks." He grinned and Keith huffed, glancing to the side and covering the fact he was blushing hard. "No problem...I don't want strangers kissing my employees." After meet up with their friends again after a few minutes and saying goodnight and Happy New Year. Keith decided he was going home with Lance, all according to Lance's plan. Lance's home was in view but Lance stopped them at the nearby lamp post, decorated in garlands and a red bow. "Oh Keith?" Keith quirked his eyebrow,"Yea-"

It was cliche, something obvious Lance would do. He yanked Keith by his red tie and crashed their lips together. Keith was being held captive by Lance's chapped lips. Keith groaned and placed his hands on his hips. Lance might've been the one to kiss him, but he certainly wasn't gonna be the one to dominate. Keith tilted his head and slipped his tongue in, to which Lance responded by fighting back and swirling his tongue in Keith's mouth, moving his lips. Keith needed something to hold onto, so he grabbed the lamp post and pressed Lance against it, a noise coming from the back of Lance's throat. Little did he know, Lance was barely standing, his knees close to giving out. Lance let go of the tie and wrapped his arms around his boss's neck, biting his bottom lip. Keith groaned and before he could do anything else Lance broke away with a 'pop'. Lance sighed and laughed gently,"There. My New Years resolution." He pushed Keith off gently,"Happy New Years, Keith." He kissed his cheek and Keith murmured,"Yeah..." 

"See you in three days..." Keith chuckled softly and nodded,"See ya." So....just a resolution or...?

"Love you." Keith's head jerked up and saw Lance staring behind him as he walked away and winked. Keith stared at him saw he walked into his house,"Love you...too."

Keith walked away, content that the first thing he did in the New Year was kiss his boyfriend to become in three days.

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