Keith looked around the area guiltily. Seeing the little campers go around and play while Lance was gone sulking in his cabin...because. Of something....he did. Lance was upset because of Keith. He doesn't know why he's so guilty, Lance did it all the time to girls, going on a few dates with them, but then abandoning them without any love or adoration or anything. Hell, he's dated millions of people and never kissed them. He's never...kissed anyone. He almost kissed Keith though. Almost.
The boy who Keith had been swooning for but never wanted to enter a relationship into because he might get hurt, loves him. Or well, he said he did. But....he was the player. Known for breaking hearts. Why would he say yes? Keith bit his lip, remembering how Lance was so close to him, holding him and professing his love then leaning in and feeling the hurt and pain when Keith put two fingers to his lips, pulled him away and told him no. He was the Blue Lion Cabin's counselor but didn't leave his cabin. Heck, he even had a mini fridge so he could eat. Shiro said he was on a break and he would take over Lance for the week. But it...irritated Keith. So he went to his cabin.
Lance was on the couch, wearing a blue shirt and jeans while his back was facing the outside world. "Go away, Shiro." Keith huffed,"It's not Shiro." Lance visibly flinched, remembering the pitiful look of Keith's beautiful face when he told him he couldn't love him.
"How can I trust you?"
"I-I don't know, just...have faith in me."
"Lance....I can't."
"It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf, I never know when your gonna play again."
"Keith, I swear I really really do lo-"
"Just-don't...hurt me anymore by lying to me and getting my hopes up."
Lance hadn't been lying. He found out gradually he was in love with Keith. And he found out Keith loved him back. He was so excited! Then ...he wasn't.
Keith sighed,"Lance, you can't stay here for the rest of the week. You're neglecting you're duties." Lance scoffed, but grateful Keith couldn't see the warmth on his cheeks. Keith was always such a work-aholic. The pounding of his heart scared him. "Yes I can." Keith didn't say anything, but Lance heard footsteps closer to him. Barely over the sound of his heart. He spoke softly and it sent shivers down his spine,"Lance, please don't do this." Lance's voice was muffled,"Keith, I understand what you had to say just...leave me alone."
Why did he have to realize it now, after all the damage had been done? Why did he just now realize Lance truly and does love him, so much it's hurting him? Keith sighed and put a hand on the edge of the couch. "Do you love me, Lance?" Lance's head whipped around and stared at Keith with puffy red eyes, but still a brilliant blue. "I-Of course I do." Keith leaned in closely,"Then kiss me, show me you do." Lance's face reddened,"What!?" Keith nodded and tears pricked the corner of his eyes,"Lance, just fucking kiss me-" He didn't need to say it a third time. Lance was jumping on him, cupping his cheeks and kissing him roughly. He was moving his lips against his and breathing hard. He'd never kissed anyone, Keith knew that for a fact, but he was surely so in love with Keith to do it so perfectly. Keith whimpered as Lance entered his tongue with his permission. Lance was so focused on his second chance to get Keith back, kissing him so hot,wet, rough and passionately he didn't realize Keith was kissing him back with the exact same fiery spirit. So much, that Keith pushed him back and straddled him with out breaking their moving lips. Lance grabbed his hips and pulled them closer. The kiss became slower and Keith pulled away, cupping his cheeks and a string of saliva connecting their lips. Lance looked at him so lovingly, it broke Keith's heart. Keith nodded and Lance raised an eyebrow,"Why are you nodding?"
"I accept."
"Accept what?"
Lance's eyes widened and he gaped at him,"I-really? For real?" Keith nodding again, smiling this time. " I'm sorry I didn't trust, you have faith in you. I was scared." Lance chuckled,"Aren't we all. I should be the one who's sorry. For hurting you and the other people I dated and everything."
Keith laughed and before Lance kissed him he said.
"It's okay, I forgive you."

𝙆𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨!
FanfictionHey you. Yeah you. The one with a list dedicated to Klance. Ya want some more Klance. you've come to the right place. Here we have Klance oneshots(only fluff and angst)! If you have any requests plz private message me or write a comment! Also No smu...