Request by @KaylaGeorge2
Keith tried to avoid Lance when it came to these questions. Right now he hates himself, because he could never hate Lance for being so curious.
"KEITTTTTHH!!!! You neeeeeeeeed to let me listen to one of your songs!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE??"
People might find it annoying how Lance persisted but Keith kinda enjoyed it. But he would never say yes. Ever. All his songs were dedicated and written obviously about his favorite blue-eyed idiot. Never Ever.
Keith stared into the deep ocean,"Lance, no. Never. I'm not showing you my songs." Lance groaned and threw his head back,"I know it's not a personal thing since you show literally everybody else. Allura, Pidge, Shiro..." Keith tried to shake off the little happiness when Lance showed the irritation about Shiro. Keith shrugged,"Yeah, I just don't want to show you." Lance pouted,"Hm. Fine." Keith always hated saying no, he felt incredibly stupid and bad about it. All he was doing was hiding his feelings he had been accumulating over the years. He glanced away and scratched nervously the nape of his neck,"I...could show you something else though..." Lance quirked an eyebrow,"What?" Keith stood up from his desk in the empty classroom to which Lance lead him during lunch to ask him a very 'deep important question.' He grabbed Lance's wrist and took him down the long halls. Lance felt his face turn red when he slowed down and Keith speed up and their hands slotted together. Keith stopped in front of a door.
The music room. Lance's eyes lit up,"What are you gonna do?" Keith opened the door and led Lance into the room. Instruments were everywhere. Lance looked around, his fingers ghosting over everything,"Do you play all of these?" Keith smirked and managed to let go of Lance, to both of their disappointments. "Yeah, but my favorite is the guitar." Lance smiled,"I always told my mama I wanted to play but we didn't have the money to get lessons." Keith grabbed the wooden guitar on the stand,"That's what I wanted to show you." Lance's eyes brightened the entire world,"Really?!" Lance stared at the checkered pink and green couch that was old but still comfy. He plopped down and squirmed happily. Keith sat down next to him, and they couldn't help but notice their thighs were touching. They didn't move. He placed the guitar in Lance's hands and Lance shuddered, letting out a breath and smiling warmly. As he showed him the ins and outs of the instrument, Lance was barely focused. He was focused enough to understand the instrument, but the rest of his attention was on Keith. They way his hands rested on his shoulder and slid down his arms and led his fingers on the cords playing the melodies. The way his cheeks would turn pink when Lance giggled excitedly while playing. The way he'd chuckle when Lance furrowed his eyebrows trying desperately to concentrate on the guitar and not Keith. They played the shortest simplest tune. Three cords vibrating. Lance relaxed and smirked when Keith stiffened as Lance rested comfortably in his arms his head on the shoulder. He glanced up, looking at Keith and into his violet eyes. Keith stared down at him. Lance sat up a bit, but not much. Just enough to where if he moved his head slightly to the left, the gap between them would close. The urge to do so was killing Lance. He desperately waited for Keith as the seconds passed. Make the first move!! Time itself was stopping. Lance waited
I hate waiting, but if it's for you...I'll wait.
Keith moved his head to the right and their lips brushed before Keith pressed his lips to him harder. He trembled slightly. Lance was expecting it but even then his eyes widened and he kissed him back but their lips were at an awkward angle. Lance pulled back and pushed Keith away. Keith gulped, nervous he did something wrong,"I-" Lance pushed the guitar to the side and quickly resumed what they were doing. But this time he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his happiness showing in his lips, the passion in his tongue. The amount of affection Lance was showing was too much. Keith parted his lips, reacting quickly and the excitement and thrill of playing music giving him confidence. Lance pulled away," Keith, I...hgnn." He rested his head on his shoulder and Keith smiled, shuddering a breath. "I like you too much." Lance grinned to himself,"I like you way too much too."

𝙆𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨!
FanfictionHey you. Yeah you. The one with a list dedicated to Klance. Ya want some more Klance. you've come to the right place. Here we have Klance oneshots(only fluff and angst)! If you have any requests plz private message me or write a comment! Also No smu...