Chapter Fourty Four: Stuck in London

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“Sam, we need to talk,” I said confidently, sitting down cross legged on the hotel bed in front of him. I gently took the TV remote out of his hands and hit mute.

“About what?” He asked innocently, apparently finding the silent people on TV fascinating.

“You know what,” I said firmly. Every time anyone had brought up his Leukaemia he had brushed it off and went on a sulk for ages.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he practically growled, snatching the remote back.

“Sam, c’mon. Are ever going to let me in!?”

He snorted and got up off the bed. I’d had enough of him constantly pushing me away, so I got to my feet and leapt on his back, tackling him to the ground. I straddled him and placed my hands on his shoulders firmly.

“We are going to talk,” I insisted.

“Sam, we really need to talk,” I said confidently, sitting down cross legged on our hotel bed in front of him.

“About what?” He asked innocently.

“You know what,” I ground out. Every time anybody had brought up his leukaemia, he had brushed it off and sulked on his own for a while.

“I don’t want to talk about that,” he growled.

“Sam. For God’s sake, when are you going to let me in!?”

He snorted and got up from the bed. I’d had enough of him pushing me away, so I got to my feet and leapt on his back, tackling him to the ground. I straddled him and placed my hands on the back of his shoulders firmly.

“We are going to talk,” I told him firmly.

He rolled over underneath me, so he was looking up at me with big, sad eyes.

“There’s nothing to talk about! Why can’t you see that? I have cancer. I could kill me! What else is there to fucking say Cherry!?” He yelled, tears beginning to flow freely down his face.

I shook his shoulders roughly. “It is not going to kill you, do you understand that Sam? I lost to Conner to your cancer and I will not lose you to it to, okay? You get that? You aren’t allowed to die. I won’t let you!”

If anything, he looked more scared. “Your friend died because of what I have?”

“Yes. He had the same cancer as you. It can’t kill you too, it just can’t! I can’t fucking deal with anymore of this!”

“Cherry,” he whispered, stroking my face. “It’s okay.”

I pulled away from him and stood up. “No it’s not! It is not okay. My best friend died when I was fucking 13, and just when I started to feel okay again some stupid idiot decided to text while he was on a motorway and killed my whole god damn family! I don’t even have any aunties or uncles. I haven’t seen my grandparents since I was 2.  It’s not fair! Why did it have to happen to me? What the Hell did I do to deserve having everyone I love ripped away from me, Sam? Why me?” I wailed, burying my face in my hands. “I can’t lose you too. I love you. I can’t lose anyone else, not now. Not you!”

He crossed the room and pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly against his chest. He was shaking. “I love you too Cher. I promise you won’t lose me. I’ll fight this, I swear,” he promised, into my hair.

We’ll fight this,” I corrected him, struggling to stop my tears. “I can help you Sam, if you let me.”

“I’ll let you, I promise. I need you,” he whispered. He leaned forwards and kissed me tenderly, tugging me back towards the bed.

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