Chapter Five- Does he wear those weird pyjama shorts?

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I woke up and groaned as sunlight hit my face. I turned over and buried my head into my pillow, except it was harder than it should have been.

I opened my eyes and saw Jake watching me.

"Why are you in my bed?"

"You were cryign in your sleep again," he mumbled.

I shrugged. I could believe that. I'd had another nightmare about my family.

"What time is it?"

"Five AM. Your stupid alarm woke me up."

I grinned and climbed out of bed. "Sorry, I get up early to go for a run," I explained, heading into my en-suite to get changed.

I stepped back into the bedroom as I tied my hair up and there was a knock at the door.

"What?" Jake called.

Josh cma einto the room and stared at Jake in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I had a nightmare and Cherry comforted me," he said quickly, before I could answer.

I gazed at Jake for a moment, and so did Josh.

"Man, are you okay? What was the dream about? Was it mom and dad? I know it's hard, but you gotta stop being so negative all the time, Jake. They wouldn't want that, you know. I mean, I can't remember them, but I'm pretty sure they'd want us to be happy. Maybe you should see a counsellor abot this, it's been ten years, and I know you've only just started the whole greiving process, but still. Yeah, I'll come with you to the Guidance counsellor tomorrow and you can get some help, okay?"

Jake roled hsi eyes as Josh flounced out of the room.

"Why d'you do that?" I asked him quietley.

"So he would bug me about getting help and moving on instead of you," he mumbled.

I blushed a little and crawled onto the bed to sit next to him.

"That was sweet. Thank you."

He rested his cheek on the top of my head for a moment. "Not a problem. Go for your run, I'll see you at breakfast."

I grinned as I backed out of the room. "See ya."

Josh threw a cereal bar at me as I fell into step with him in the Hall.

"Ready?" He asked, opening the front door.

"Let's go," I replied, jogging down the porch steps.

We ran quietly for a while, with no noise but our steady fotsteps and deep breathing.

"What's up with you?" I asked him after ten minutes.


"You're all quiet. Why?"

"Sorry, I was thinking about Lucy."

"I thought you liked her? You look really sad."

"I was just thinking about how she'd never go for a guy like me," he muttered.

I snorted. "What the Hell do you mean 'a guy like you'? You're captain of the football team, isn't that the cliché perfect Americsn guy?"

"Yeah, that's the point. It's cliché and stupid, and she's not the cheerleader type. She'd kind of dorky and different and weird, it's so cute."

"What's she like? How's she different?"

He thought about it for a moment. "She likes books and learning and stuff. And she doesn't wear that stupid 'high fashion' crap; she just wears jeans and t-shirts and stuff like that. She's so intelligent, it's unreal, and she always stands up for what she believes in and she hates bullies. The other week she tried to stand up for this really whimpy boy in our grade because these idiots were pushing him. But the boys started scaring her and she cried. I got really mad at them. But she hasn't spoken to me since! I thought she'd be happy I saved her. Not that that's why I did it, of course, to make her notice me. But still..."

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