Chapter Ten- Guitars and Picks

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"You're all happy," I told Josh as we ran together on Monday morning.

He smiled over at me. "Yep. Thanks to you."

I scrunched my nose up. "What did I do?"

"Told me to talk to Lucy. I did. I think we're going out now."

"You are? Ohmigosh, that's so cute!" I gushed.

Pink tigned his cheeks a little. "You and Theo are cute too."


"How did you guys hook up? When he came over on Monday, it was so obvious you liekd eachother and both were too scared to admit it. What happened/"

I grinned. "Sam, Jake and Lindon helped a little."

He quirked an eyebrow questioningly.

"All five of us were supposed to go out on Saturday, but they bailed and told us to have alone time so Theo asked me to go for a coffee," I explained.

"Your first date was coffee? How cliché is that?" He snorted.

I batted his arm, laughing. "It's not cliché! It was fun."

He gave me a blank stare.

"Okay, well maybe it's a little cliché, but I think that was just so I'd realize he meant as a date."

"You're too cute," he murmured, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up."

We reached the house and jogged into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast.

"Jessica," Steffan called happily, racing over to me and clinging to my legs.

"Hey buddy," I replied, picking him up.

"I'm bored, wanna help you pick clothes today," he insisted.

I glanced nervously at the other guys.

"We think he's going to turn out gay," Josh said slowly, grinning.

I nodded. "Or just metrosexual."

"Doesn't really matter, does it?" Sam mused.

"We don't really care how he turns out," Jake added.

"Me either. I think gay people are cool," I said.

"Gay, cool?" Steffan asked me, unsure.

I ruffled his hair. "Yeah, buddy. You really wanna help me choose my clothes today?"

He nodded excitedly, so I carried him upstairs.

He went into my wardrobe and came out with grey jogging bottoms and a red plaid shirt.

"These," he insisted.

I shrugged and put them on in the bathroom. They looked pretty good.

"What do you think?" I asked, giving hima twirl when I'd finished my makeup.

He clapped happily. "Pretty."

"Hair: Up or down?"

"Up. Pony tail, like a horsey."

Jake followed me to Art.

"You know your way around," he muttered, looking pretty surprised.

"I've been here for a week," I reminded him.

"Incoming," he whispered.

"What are you- Aaagh!" I squealed as Theo caught my waist from behind and spun me around. "Theo!"

Living with the Lockhart Boys [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now