Chapter Twenty Eight- You're not mad at me?

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Cherry's Point of View

White light pierced through my closed eyes, and I squeezed them shut tighter.

"Cherry, did you wake up?" I heard Theo ask.

My eyes flew open and I ripped my hand from his.

He looked up at me, concern and surprise clear in his teary eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for you to wake up. You've been out for two days. God, I was so worried about you!" He sighed, leaning in towards me. His lips brushed over mine and I jerked myself away.

"Get away from me!" I squealed.

He looked alarmed. "Cher?"

"Don't touch me! No one touch me! Stay away!"

"Steve, Jenna?" He called.

They both rushed in with Jake hot on their heels.

"You're awake," Jenna said through muffled sobs. She launched herself at me, and I was so surprised at her sudden breakdown, so used to her cool-as-a-cucumber-nothing-throws-me-I'm-a-lawyer attitude, that I didn't even flinch. When Jenna finally pulled away, Steve advanced towards me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and shudders convulsed through me.

"Don't touch me!" I squeaked, feeling my eyes widen as I shrank away.

"Cherry? What's wrong?" he asked, kneeling on the floor next to me.

"No! Don't touch me," I practically wailed, terrified.

He put his hands in the air and smiled gently. "I won't I promise. Just tell me what's wrong."


"Because I'm your doctor," he said, in a 'duh' tone.

"But you're a brain surgeon," I sniffed.

He smiled down at me fondly. "I was a doctor first, sweetheart. So talk to me."

I hesitated. "I...I don't think I like people touching me."

"But you were fine before... Ah, that makes a lot of sense. Do you remember what happened?"

I furrowed my eyes together. The last thing I remembered was Thanksgiving dinner, and then going to the party afterwards. I danced with Theo, and when he went to get drinks I went upstairs to the toilet, but ended up in a bedroom and Dev... I started hyperventilating.

"She remembers," Jenna murmured.

"How far do you remember?" Steve pushed.

"Dev... He tried..." I trailed off, wiping tears from my eyes.

"And after that?"

"Th-Theo came upstairs, and Nicky hurt Dev, and I ran away."

"Why did you run away, Cher-bear?" Theo whispered.

"Because I'm disgusting," I choked.

Shock flickered across his features. "No you're not!"

"I am. He-he...He made me dirty, and wrong, and hideous," I sobbed.

Jake sat down next to his Dad. "Chez, don't believe any of that. He's dirty and wrong and hideous- not you, got it?"

I shook my head, and he scowled at me.

"Don't you dare argue with me Cherry Parker. You're perfect and we all love you. You. Are. Not. Disgusting. So get that out of your head, capiche?"

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