Chapter Three- Pancakes! Crepes! Pancakes!

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** Picture of Josh over there somewhere! :) **

I woke up, stretching lazily as warm light trickled over my face. That confused me. Since when did the sun come out in the UK? It was only when I looked at the floor to see a blonde-haired boy leaning against the bedframe, soring softly, that I remembered I wasn't in London anymore. I was in Colorado.

I quickly slipped into some jogging bottoms and a hoody and chucked my hair into a high ponytail. As I tiptoed out of my room and ran head on into Josh, who grinned at me.

"Early riser?"

"Yeah," I said, smiling back at the nergetic kid. "I was gonna go for a run."

He quirked one eyebrow at me. "Kidding?"


"I run too! I mean, I shouldn't be surprised that you run, really. Just one look at your body and I should've realized. Not that I looked at your body, because that would be rude. But, you know, you're pretty smoking and we can't help but notice," he chatted as we made our way downstairs and outside.

"My God, you talk a lot!" I muttered, grinning over at him as we stretched on the porch.

He bit his lip, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

"So where are we running?" I asked.

"There's a track around the back of the house that leads down to the stables. It's about a two mile run," he explains.

I scurnched up my nose. "Only two miles?"

"Not good enough for you, city-slicker?" He teased.

"City-slicker? Really?" I snorted.

"But, really, four mile round trip. I bet you ten dollars you're shattered by the end of the first half!"

I smirked. "I'll even race you back."


The kid had no idea what was coming to him.

I leaned agaisnt the stable hall, breathing in the unfamiliar scent of hay. I followed Josh into the stables and he chucked a bottle of water towards me. I plucked it from the air and swiftly yanked the cap off, downing the bottle. He shot a sidewards glance at me, shaking his head in disbelief as he gasped in breaths.

"You didn't even break out in a sweat!" He breathed.

I reached behind my neck and swiped my finger along my hairline, stroking a bead of sweat and holding it out for him to see. "That's a lie," I told him, and he chuckled.

"Cherry Parker, I quite like you," he murmured between peals of laughter.

I rolled my eyes. "Back at you, Josh Lockhart."

"I'm not Lockhart. I'm a Boswell," he said.

I quirked an eybrow.


"Jenna's my Auntie, on my mum's side. My mum married a Boswell," he explained.

"Ah. Cool. Joshua Boswell; that has a certain ring to it."

He grinned and we slowly walked outside."Girl, I so don't wanna race you back. Dang you have skills."

"Aww, that's cute," I cooed over-dramatically, tapping the tip of his nose with my finger. He shoved my ahnd away, still grinning.

"Just shut up and jog, fool," he murmured before racing away from me.

I rolle dmy eyesand jogged after him, catching up easily and falling into step with him.

Living with the Lockhart Boys [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now