Chapter Twenty- No way am I letting go of you that easy.

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 Theo's Point of View

I walked down the Hall towards Art, determined to talk to Cherry. Miss Smith would understand if he asked her to give us a few minutes outside.

I saw Sam at the door of our class, furiously making out with some chick who I couldn’t see.

I shoved past him and he fell into her.

“Geez, Sam, who’s your latest slut?” I sneered.

He turned around, glaring at me, but I barely even saw him anymore. Cherry was leaning against the wall in front of him, her hands still absently roaming his chest, her hair ruffled, clothes rumpled, and her lips red and kiss-swollen. I gaped at her for a minute. I was horrified.

“What?” She asked innocently. “Have I got something on my face?”

I ducked my head, hiding the tears that sprung to my eyes and rushed into the room.

After about a minute she came in too, and scanned the classroom quickly.

“What took you so long, hot stuff?” Dev asked.

Cherry grinned and skipped over to him, perching in his lap.

I stared after her, shocked as she pressed her lips against his.

“Sorry sexy, I was having some fun with Sam, I told you,” she purred.

He growled possessively and nipped at her ear, which made her giggle.

“Bet I’m better in bed than him,” he insisted.

“Hmm, wander how long you’re gonna have to wait before we find out?” She mused.

“baby, if I have to wait more than about two minutes I think I’m gonna burst,” he groaned.

She giggled again, twirling a lock of red hair around her finger.


He grinned. “You need a lift home?”

“Nah, I’m getting a ride home with Sam. I’ll drive by at about seven.”

“You haven’t got a license,” he murmured.

“Lighten up Dev; you can’t live life without breaking a law or two.”

I tore my eyes away from the pair and glared at Lindon.

“Yeah, that girl really loves me,” I muttered.

He stared back at me, looking as shocked as I was. He stood up and crossed the room.

“Cher, a word, please?” he asked curtly.

She looked up at him.

“You want some fun too?”

Devon’s arms curled tighter around her waist.

“No. I want to talk to you,” he muttered.

“But kissing is so much hornier,” she argued.

I growled under my breath. That was not my Cherry. I caught up with Lindon and stared down at her.

“I got this,” I told Lindon. He shrugged and backed away.

“Go away,” Cherry told me stubbornly. She was cute when she was stubborn.

I ignored her and glared at Devon. “Get your hands off my girl.”

He frowned at me. “She clearly wants it.”

“Yeah, which is why I’m not gonna do anything if you put her down in the next five seconds,” I said honestly.

“No way man, lighten up and share,” Devon teased. I swung back my fist and let it swing into his face.

He groaned and Cherry glared at me.

“What the Hell are you playing at!?”

“We’re skipping school. Come on,” I told her.


“Cherry, Move. Now.” No way was I letting her go now.

She scowled at me, so I shrugged and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulders.

“Put me down, right now!” She squealed, squirming out of my arms. She landed on the floor and I caught her easily, carrying her bridal style instead.

“Theo, what is going on here?” Miss Smith asked anxiously.

“Sorry, Miss, we need to sort something out. See you tomorrow,” I muttered, hauling Cherry out of the room.

I put her down on her feet gently when we reached the parking lot and she started punching at my chest, shouting profanities at me.

After a while her fight got weaker, and she collapsed against me in tears.

“Leave me alone,” she sniffed.


“I don’t want to be with you,” she tried.

“Don’t care.”

She hesitated for a moment. “I don’t love you.”

Her words tore at my heart, but I ignored it. “I don’t believe you.”

She shoved my chest again weakly.

“Let me go.”

“We’re going to my house, and there’s no two ways about it. Now you can either get in my car, or I’ll damn well put you in it,” I growled.

She took a step away from me, folding her arms, but made no attempt to run away, which I took as a good sign.

“I don’t want to be anywhere near you,” she insisted.

I shrugged, and threw her over my shoulder again.

She struggled, so I smacked her ass sharply.

“Theo!” She hissed, and I chuckled, carrying her across the parking lot. I gently put her in my car and buckled her in. As I shut the door and got into my side she tried to get out, making me laugh even harder.

“It’s child locked,” I told her.

Se turned around to stare at me. “Why!?”

“Duh, to stop you getting out…”

Her face fell and she leant back against the door, looking scared.

“Cher, what’s wrong?” I asked softly, reaching out to stroke her cheek.

She flinched away. “What do you want from me?”

I frowned. “I’m, not gonna hurt you, you silly girl. You really believe I’m gonna hurt you? I love you.”

She blocked her ears. “Lalalalalalalala!” She cried.

I shook my head, not sure whether to laugh or cry at her childish outburst.

“When did you turn into such a child?” I asked.

She gave me a blank look. “What did you say? I can’t hear you,” she muttered.

I gently removed her hands form her ears.

“I said, when did you turn into such a child?”

“Shut up, Theo,” she grumbled. “And let me out.”
”No way,” I said, keying the ignition. “No way am I letting go of you that easy.”

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