Chapter Twenty Four- I believe you owe me a kiss.

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After lunch the next day, when everybody was busy I wandered up to Sam's room and started rifling through his walk-in wardrobe. I rummaged around until I herad a satisfying clink of glass.

"Okay, which one of you are in my closet?" I heard Sam drawl.

I grabbed a bottle and unscrewed the cap as I went back to his room.

"Hey," I said through mouthfuls.

He frowned at me. "Hey yourself. What exactly are you doing?"

"Drinking vodka."


I dropped my gaze to the floor. "Numbs the pain."

"Cherry, I don't think that's such a good idea," he said asseritvely, making a grab for the bottle.

I stumbled away from him, quickly drinking more.

"No!" I cried.

"Cherry, calm down, it's okay," he murmured. "You don't need it."

"Don't take another step," I warned him.

He sighed and reached for his phone. He dialed a number and the other person picked up the phone.

"You need to get over here right now. It's Cherry," Sam growled before hanging up.

I took a few steps away from him again, then rushed into his closet and locked the door behind me.

"Cherry!" he yelled.

I sighed happily and finished the bottle, reaching for another one.

He gave up after a minute and I was left in bliss. The burning at the back of my throat felt good; it was better than the raw pain gnawing at the place where my heart should have been.

After a while there was a tentative knock at the door.

"Cher?" Theo murmured. I heard him lean against the closet door.


"Let me in?" he pleaded.

I frowned and slowly stood up, pulling back the bolt.

He looked me up and down, his eyes resting on the bottle in my hand.

"You okay?" Lindon asked from behind him.

Jake shoved him half-heartedly. "Does she look okay nimrod?"

"Guys, go downstairs, we'll be out in a minute, "Theo told them. They both shot me worried glances before leaving.

Theo took my hand gingerly and pulled me back into the class. He gently took the bottle off me as we sat down.

"Why are you all here?" I whispered, curling into myself.

"We care about you sweetie. We want you to be happy, and until you get there we want to make it easier for you."

"why do you care? I'm nothing special."

He crouched down in front of me and tilted my chin to make me look at him.

"Don't say that," he growled. "You're smart, and funny, and you're beautiful and to us you're really special. We're not gonna let you slip into a depression."

"You don't get a say in it," I said, grabbing the bottle. It had barely touched my lips before Theo yanked it away from me and threw it out of the closet. It hit Sam's wall and shattered.

"Wjat d'you do that for!?"

"Vodka is very abd for you," he told me seriously.

"Don't care."

Living with the Lockhart Boys [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now