Chapter Thirty Eight- You have a pretzel store?

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“Let me get this straight… You have cancer and you haven’t told your parents?” I asked in disbelief. My head was spinning.


I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The situation was so horrifically amusing: he had cancer and his Dad, who was one of the best doctors in the USA, hadn’t found out. I stopped laughing when it hit me; of course Steve knew. He just hadn’t let on. It kind of made sense. Sam got away with anything and everything; drinking, parties, even slapping me. Neither Jenna or Steve said anything because he had cancer. Well, not because he had cancer. Because he had it and couldn’t tell them and they felt guilty for that. I felt like a psychologist.

“How long for?”

“Two years,” he whispered.

I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend’s neck, feeling bad for laughing at him. I couldn’t believe he’d dealt with it on his own for two years.

“You have to tell them,” I mumbled.

“I can’t.”

“They already know.”

“I know they already know!”

“Sam, calm down,” I muttered. “Tell them today, I bet they’ll feel better.”

“What kind of insensitive jerk does that? Tells his parents he has cancer on Christmas day?” he scoffed.

“You’re in a different situation. They won’t get upset because you have cancer, they’ll be happy that you finally told them,” I reminded him.

He watched me carefully for a moment, and I stared back into his beautiful eyes.

“Good point,” he finally grumbled.

“Yeah, it’s a very good point,” Scott added from the doorway. I jumped out of my skin, tumbling off Sam’s lap into the pile of hay next to him.

I groaned and looked around. Scott was stood stiffly, leaning against the frame of the door with his arms folded over his chest and Sam was sat frozen in the exact same position, his arms hanging awkwardly where he was holding me not a moment before.

“Scott… I, umm…” Sam trailed off, his hands dropping to his sides.

Scott crossed the barn quickly and sat down next to Sam, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Why didn’t you just tell us?”

“I didn’t want to upset you,” Sam mumbled.

“Fucking idiot.”

A tear slowly traced it’s way down Sam’s cheek and he wiped it away furiously. I scrambled upright and sat on his other side, resting my head on his shoulder.

“It’s okay to cry, babe. I cry all the time,” I mumbled.

“But you’re a girl,” he sniffed.

“I cried for two days straight when Jenny broke up with me,” Scott told him.

“But you loved her. That’s something worth crying over.”

“Sam Lockhart, if you really think that having cancer isn’t worth crying over I’m gonna punch you hard enough to make you cry,” I hissed.

“Geez, tough love much?” He whispered, but he let more tears trickle down his face until he was sobbing. He collapsed against me and I wrapped my arms around his broad back tightly.

“You know, I actually feel good,” Scott mumbled.


“When I heard him tell you, I was waiting to feel upset, but I think I’m okay. I think he needs to tell everyone.”

Living with the Lockhart Boys [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now