Chapter Twentty Seven- Stupid, self harming, fiery little redhead

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Theo's Point of View

I flopped down in the chair next to her bed, thankful that Steve pulled a few strings and got Cher a private room so I could stay. And that was all before the guy even got here. Jake had gone to the canteen to get us coffee and the others would be here soon.

"God, I hope you're gonna be okay," I mumbled, taking her hand in mine. I lent forward and kissed her forehead, smoothing her fringe out of her closed eyes.

"Hey man," Jake said tiredly, handing me a coffee as he dragged a hand down his cheek.


"I am so pissed off right now," he muttered darkly.

I felt my face harden. "Me too."

"I just can't believe we didn't notice she was taking her parents so badly. I am the worst replacement brother ever."

"Nah, you're a great brother, Jake. She loves you to pieces, you know that right?"

He smiled down at her softly. "I love her to pieces too. Stupid, vodka drinking, self harming, horny, fiery little redhead."

I chuckled. Jake was weird sometimes, but I liked it when he got like that, because I knew he only acted like himself around people he trusted. He was so shy with strangers, except Cherry.

"She sure is something," I agreed quietly.

"Man, she so has you whipped."

I grinned. "She does."

"Jake, what happened?" Jenna asked timidly, wrapping her arms around him. He clutched at her, tears finally escaping his eyes.

Steve glanced nervously at me before placing his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, feeling my own tears threatening to spill over. I felt like a kid, practically throwing myself at a man I hardly knew, but I wrapped my arms around him, leaning heavily on his large frame for support as I broke down.

He patted my back. "She’s gonna be alright, Theo. I'll make sure of it. The paramedics said you guys reacted really well to the situation. Thank you for keeping a cool head out there."

I nodded, running my hands over my eyes as I pulled away from him. I spotted Sam in the doorway, leaning against the frame watching Cherry.

His gaze flickered over to me. "What happened?"
"She hurt herself... On purpose," I mumbled.

"At the party," he growled. "What happened?"

"Devon tried to force her to sleep with him"

Fury flashed through his eyes before a cool, icy look replaced it.

"Okay. I'm going back to the party, see you guys tomorrow," he muttered, storming off.

"Samuel! Get back here!" Jenna screeched.

"Screw you mom," he called back. I gaped at the door in total shock. Sam was a lot of thing, but he ways never disrespectful to his mom. Must have been some real chick at that party to make him that edgy, I figured.

"Man is he in shit when he gets back tonight," Jake muttered.

Sam really was in shit when he left the party, but not quite the shit we'd anticipated.

A Police officer knocked the door and quietly entered.

Jake and I stood up, ready to talk, but he waved his hands dismissively.

"Jenna Lockhart?" He asked.

"Yes officer?"

"Are you Samuel Lockhart's mother?"

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