Chapter thirty three - She's not my plaything!

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I circled the tree, looking for somewhere to put my new ornament. I found the perfect spot and frowned at it. It was too high for me to reach.

Sam stood in front of me and motioned for me to get on his back. I grinned and jumped on him, reaching up and putting the last decoration on the tree.

"Happy with it there?" Sam asked underneath me.


"Good," he mumbled, before dumping me on the couch. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and pulled me up. "You wanna go over Becci's?"


He chuckled. "Yeah. You look like you need a distraction."

I nodded my head sadly. "Yeah, I do."

"Go get changed, we'll go in half an hour, yeah?"

"Okay," I mumbled, heading upstairs.

I dressed in my favourite jeans and a tank top. I stared at Jack's Uni hoodie for what felt like hours before I yanked it over my head, inhaling his faint scent that still lingered on the inside of the hood. I tied my hair into a messy plait which hung over my left shoulder and ran back downstairs into the kitchen.

Sam and Jake were eating sandwhiches at the table and I pouted at them.

"Where's mine?"

Sam rolled his eyes and gestured to the plate next to him. I smiled and sat down between them, picking up the sandwhich. Ham and cheese. My favourite.

They both shot me worried glances.

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

Jake frowned and took my hand. "You know you don't have to be right?"

I snatched it away, frowning back at him. "I want to be."
"But you bottle it all up; it's obviously not good for you. You end up breaking down like you did earlier," he told me.


"So?! I'm sorry, are we even on the same page here? Do you not remember what happened a few weeks ago? You missed your parents and you bottled it up and one little trigger sent you flying over the edge... You tried to kill yourself!" He snapped.

"That's what you think? As my best friend, you still believe I rired to kill myself after all the times I've tried to explain?" I asked, noticing how small and sad my voice sounded.

He ran his hand down his face, sighing.

"I'm going, you coming?" I asked Sam.

He nodded and patted Jake on the shoulder as we left.

"Chez, come on!" Jake yelled from the door as we got into the car.

"You know, I never thought you'd be this cool. I always figured you'd be all depressed, you know?" Lucy ased as we played scrabble.

I blinked at her. "Huh?"
"Well, Sam said you lost your family," Emma murmured.

"But you're so bubbly and cute," Lucy grinned.

I smiled at them weakly, getting up.

"Hey Cher," Sam said, smirking as I approached him.

I sat down on his lap, folding my arms over my chest and he raised an eyebrow at me expectantly.

"You told them," I said accusingly.

He tangled his fingers through the hair on either side of my head and pulled my face towards his, softly kissing me.


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