Chapter Twenty Two- I always figured I'd be your Knight in Shining Armour.

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"Cherry Parker, what the fuck do you think you're playing at?" Nick growled as we got home.

I shrank back into Theo, who wrapped his arm around my waist tightly.

"I don't know what you mean?" I tried, sounding less convinced than I actually was, though that wasn't at all, to be quite honest.

He grabbed the empty vodka bottle from the table next to him and waved it in front of my face.

"What do you call this?"

"Vodka," I said smartly. Theo chuckled under his breath.

Nick just scowled at me. "We talked about this."

"Shut up Nick," I warned him.

"No! I put a Hell of a lot of time and patience into helping you through your rough patch last time, and I'm not here to pick up your pieces this time!"

"I'm here," Theo said flatly, and I winced at his tone.

"That's not the point; she needs someone who loves her."

"I do love her!"

"I loved her first!" Nick suddenly exploded. He clapped his hand over his mouth while I gaped at him, wide-eyed.

"Y-you what!?" I screeched.

He shrugged.

"What the Hell is your problem?" I demanded.

"It's not a problem," he argued.

"Yes it bloody well is!"

"Might as well just come right out and say it... I love you Cher, as so much more than a friend. I've loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you, and I call you Princess because I always figured I'd be your knight in shining armour once I got the courage to tell you... What I want most is for you to dump the Harry Styles wannabe and convince Jenna to let you move in with my Dad so we can be together," he breathed.

Theo stepped around me and I gulped.

"Geez, I can practically feel the testosterone levels rising," I joked, trying to make either of them laugh. But Theo was still stood protectively in front of me, and Nick was staring over his shoulder deep into my eyes. He was my best friend... How could I say this to him?

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

Theo whipped around to face me, looking horrified. "What? NO, Cher, please, I love you!"

I blinked, confused. Then it hit me, and I stroked his cheek fondly. "Not you, doofus. Nick, I'm sorry but-"

"I know, you won't do it. I knew that before I even said it, but I had to tell you, it's killing me," he muttered.

I shoved Theo out of my way and hugged my best friend.

"I'm sorry."

"Please don't do that," he whispered.

"Shut up."



"I warned you," he said, before feathering his lips over mine.

I yanked myself away from him. "What the fuck!?"

Theo broke into laughter and I glared at him. I was his girlfriend, and Nick just kissed me, and he was laughing? I was beyond pissed.

"Don't you dare ever do that again!" I growled. "And, you! Cut the laughing you jerk."

"Why?" They asked in unison, and bust out laughing again.

"My boyfriend is standing right there, and you kissed me! And then you laughed at it!" I cried.

"Sorry," Theo choked out. "But your face was priceless. Besides, he's not gonna steal you away from me. He's not the type."

"No way, man. Bros before hoes!"


I cleared my throat and folded my arms over my chest. "So I'm a ho now?"

That straightened them both out, and they rushed to my side.

Theo's face paled as he touched my arm. "No!"

"That's not what we meant!" Nick promised.

I giggled at their faces. "That shut you up."

** I know, I know... It's really short. But I left my memory card at my Nan's and had to rewrite the whole chapter... And I'm falling asleep here, so i thought it would be better to post a little one than none at all... Enjoy :) **

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