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rumor says

Word travels around fast in town, people are real nosy as well. Annette learned this all on Monday morning. she saw stares left and right, as she walked herself down the hallway to locker. she heard whispers after each step she took, and she couldn't take it. She hated this attention. why it was all directed to her? that she could not figure out. but it supposes to be too late. it was currently the talk of today.

"People need to get a grip!" Kathy slurs, glaring at the students she was walking by. when she finally got to Annette, she let out a big groan. "if you want me to make big scene right now, i will" she offered.

"no no, im good." Annette laughs, opening up her locker

"you sure, I could go up to.....that guy and kiss him, that should do it" Kathy says, scanning over the crowd and pointing at a tall white boy, with light blonde hair. he wore a blue and grey sweater, leaning against a locker.

"I don't even know what they are talking about, im fine, I promise" she responds, taking her last book out of her backpack.

"WHO leaves out the most important detail, when telling a story?" Isaiah shouts, walking up to the two girls. with Maira, Rhonda and Tyler not to far behind.

"What are you talking about?" Annette asks, turning towards the boy.

"yall kissed" Rhonda chimes in.

"WHO KISSED" Annette asks, with lassitude. she was baffled at the news. she had so many questions yet it seems as though no one could give her a straight answer. that was until Tyler points at the devil himself. Dallas.

"wha- no we didn't!" she exclaims. Rhonda shrugs, while they watched the brown haired boy walk down the hallway.

Soon enough, Dallas found Annette over the crowd. the eye contact was a brief one. all Annette could do was scoff and turn away. she didn't like the attention but from what she is seeing, hes enjoying every part of it.

She didn't want to be associated as one of the girls he has gotten with, everyone knows that the list of them is long. he is a womanizer, plain and simple. picks up girls for the night just to kick them to the curb the next day, no sweat.

On top of that he was a criminal, how could she forget that. he stole her car.

the bell ringing fills the halls, alerting the students to get own with their day. and they do just that.

Annette walks with Tyler and Maira to 1st period, since they have class together. they don't get far before they are interrupted.

"Fancy meeting you here" Dallas jokes, swinging his right arm around her shoulder.

Annette, suppresses her laugh and removes his arm from around her. Although she was mad at him, she just couldn't keep it up. she looks back at her friends, only to see them backing away from the pair. Tyler gives her a wink and a thumbs up, receiving a glare back.

Dallas wraps his arm around the girl once again, but this time she didn't fight it.

"so whaddya' say, me and you. tomorrow after school" he asks, looking down at the girl. he wouldn't admit it but he had been doubtful for making such a move. he hadn't made a good first impression, this was his chance to redeem himself.

"a date?" she questions, keeping her head up. trying to erase any hint of glee that might have been written on her face.

"Call it what you will" he responds with a smirk, she hadn't given an answer yet but he was hopeful.

Annette gave it thought. she barely knows the boy but isn't that the purpose of a date? to get to know the other party. but her inexperience with the whole concept of relationships did worry her. what do you even do on dates, and what do you say.

But there was also the other option, she could not see this as a date. she could keep this at a friendly bases, and simply get to know the boy. and in show, what's the worst that could happen? she could take care of herself, she wasn't dumb. she wouldn't let him convince her in to doing something she shouldn't. she has self control. and with that, she had come to a conclusion.

"tomorrow after school" she says, turning back at the boy before entering her classroom. which she was greeted by her friends staring at her eager looks.

meanwhile she had left Dallas with a goofy smile plastered upon his face. needless to say, he was elevated. these past few days, she's stayed in the back of his mind.

End of chapter 010

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