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live a little

"Jesus, I cant wait to get out of this shithole" Kathy mumbles, scribbling down words that seem to be in the format of a list. Annette inched closer to her friend, now being able to read the script on the paper. she reads the words to herself and laughs.

"Kathy we aint even out of here yet, and you already planning" Annette says, nudging her to the side to get a closer look, only to get pushed back.

"oh hush, at least now we won't have to think about it to much when we go out" Kathy mumbles, focusing on her list of parties and places to go to this summer.

this day, just so happens to be the last day of school. Annette would be happier if the heat wasn't so brutal, but the events that were to follow is what would make it all tolerable.

her and dallas have continued with their friendship, they had grown even closer. if that was even possible. but it is all genuine, and that's all that matters.

soon the bell rings, alerting the students of the freedom for the few months to come. students spring up from their seats and pour into the halls of the building. the hallways come alive in chatter and laughter, fully infused with the excitement of each pupil.

"you take any longer-" Maira warns.

"gimme me a second would ya?" Annette laughs, a few books from her backpack fall out.

"Oh lord you've really done it now" Maira mutters, as she bends down to help Annette pick them up.

once they manage to collect all of there belongings, they exit the school, making there way over to Tyler's car. which had 4 others leaning against it, engaged in a conversation.

"somebody stop her" Isaiah whines, motioning to Kathy who stands next to him with her arms crossed and a pout.

"he said he doesn't want to go to the mall with me" Kathy huffs, which was followed by Isaiah saying, "because I don't!"

"well to bad, 'cause you're going!" she replies. 

the bickering doesn't end when the group packs into the green vehicle that Tyler adores so greatly, he practically puts it on a pedestal. Annette sits up front, next to Tyler while the rest settle in the back.

"whats going on up there" Annette jokes, tapping at Tyler's head, then messing his hair up a bit to annoy him. he smacks her hand, laughing alongside her as he tries to fix his hair again.

"i could say the same for you" he replies, before mocking her exact movements and words. Annette tries to shield her hair from Tyler's revenge seeking hand. 

the two go on back and forth like children, but they were to stubborn to quit. it was times like these that they all deeply treasured. they knew how grateful they should be to have each other, and they are grateful.

"okay okay!" Annette laughs, bringing her head down to her knees, with her hand over her head.

"i win"


it was 6pm when Annette sat alone in front of her TV, watching Roman Holiday once again. she didn't even bother changing her clothes when she came home from school. she had watched the movie so many times that she had memorized some of the lines.

 it was her all time favorite movie. she loved Audrey Hepburn's character, Anya Smith, which is what she calls herself although it isn't her true identity. the whole plot excited Annette, no matter how many times she watches it.

she was drawn into the screen until a knock at the door could be heard. she decided to ignore it, and let whoever was at the door tire themselves and soon leave. but sadly the person was persistent. she got up and walked over to the door, opening it.

"man, what took you so long" dallas complains, letting himself into the house. 

"sorry" she shrugs, closing the door behind him. he walks towards the tv and plops down on the couch, Annette follows.

"didn't you already watch this" dallas says, pointing at the film that was playing. 

"whats your point" Annette asks as she keeps her eyes glued to the screen, while the boy just laughs at her fixation.

there was a brief silence between the two, the dialogue from the TV was the only sound that filled the room. dallas stared at the girl with a glorifying look, searching for the right words so he could fulfill is task that he assigned himself in the first place.

"let me take you somewhere" he finally speaks, Annette turns to him.

"not today dallas, my aunt should be coming back soon"

"come on, live a little" he replied. Annette thought for a minute before giving in.

"alright but i have to be back before 9" she tells him. he only smirks and grabs her arm to pull her up with him

"whatever you say, doll."

and with that, they were gone.


"you tryna kill me?" Annette laughs. 

as she steps out of car. dallas just chuckles as he does the same and sits on the hood of the vehicle. they were surrounded by trees, with only an open space ahead of them.

"i wouldn't dare" he says, watching as Annette sits next to him. she looked out in right in front of them and was in awe. it might not seem much, but for them to be on such an elevated view point made the lake below them look stunning. 

Tulsa still had its rural and untouched areas, filled with lively nature, as well as serene landscapes such as this one. the wind drifting on by, with the crickets playing almost as a percussion. by now the darkness from the lack of sun had taken over the airspace but it only added to its charming setting. 

Annette didn't want to leave. she felt put at ease just by being there, with him.

the moon gives a spotlight seeming glow, to the land beneath it. it outlined his face perfectly, he looked absolutely perfect. she truly was hopelessly in love with him as he has entirely fallen for her, there was no denying it.

Dallas wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her closer as she tries her hardest not to react before melting into his embrace. they savor this time together, for they know there might not be many more like such. it was peaceful and utterly pleasant.

as all was still.

End of chapter 019

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