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"You're awfully quiet, doll" Dallas acknowledged, as he glances to the girl beside him. She shrugs, as she continues her examination of the boys face.

Dallas would be lying if he said he didn't notice her stare, he felt her eyes linger onto a few of his new injuries that had found there places in various areas of his face and arms.

he would have explained to her the inconvenience that he had come across the day before, but it wasn't a story that he felt deserved to be retold. but it was pleasant, and quite consoling to know that Annette cared. it was enough, more than enough.

as for Annette, possibilities swarmed through her head. ignoring the plain obvious. dallas was reckless and she knew this first hand. just last month, she had an empty void within her from the lost of her new companion who had found himself thrown into the cooler once again.

he did get out early for "good behavior", but that didn't save him a scolding from Annette herself.

though it was already prominent, the two of them had formed an unlikely friendship. a friendship that was only a facade for the both of them, a facade to hide the feelings that they both share tremendously.

they had an unspoken agreement not to initiate any intimate gestures. things were going perfectly fine just has how they were, so why change that?

Annette found herself reaching her hand, touching gently at a bruise that was located on the boy's right arm. in despite of himself, dallas winces at the touch. weirdly enough, a part of him wanted her hand to stay.

Annette pulls her hand back and shakes her head. dallas knew that she would be holding back another lecture on how he needs to be careful, though he wouldn't mind. she was thoughtful, even for a boy she hadn't known for more than a few months. although, such few months were all it took for them to grow close.

Dallas himself had grown to cherish the girl.

As the cherry red mustang, Dallas claims he had borrowed drives up to the front of Annette's house.

Before Dallas could say anything, Annette grabs her backpack from the backseat and opens the car door.

"Bye dallas" she mumbles, closing the door behind her.

Dallas watches as she walks up to her porch, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He wasn't sure why.

"You got ya self a white boy, huh?" Aunt Betty speaks, from the kitchen, hearing the front door open.

"What?" Annette responds, seemingly misheard her Aunt.

"Don't think I ain't see that car coming through here before" she chuckles. "That supposed to be dallas?"

Annette nods, unsure of how to respond.

"be careful with that one" the women warns, though with a sly smile upon her.

Soon Annette would be found on her bed with a book in hand, but her mind was on dallas. she hoped he wasn't in any sort of trouble, though it looks as it had already roughly passed him.

She didn't like seeing him hurt, but something tells her that it will be something she's going to see often. Dallas was a delinquent who knew he would die young, and that very thought pained her. one thing for sure, that hidden agreement couldn't dispose of the affection they had for one another.

such a golden affection.

End of chapter 017

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