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"A date?"

Annette didn't understand why it was such a big deal. It wasn't the most important thing in the world. She barely even sees it has a date, all he is doing is picking her up after school. Nothing too romantic.

"I tried to stop her auntie" Isaiah sighs, plopping on the floor. Aunt Betty laughs at his attitude.

"What's this boys name?" Her Aunt asks. She didn't look upset, in fact she seems to be encouraging this.

"Dallas!" Kathy exclaims, she seemed more excited than Annette.

"Jesus let the girl speak" Rhonda groans, gesturing to Annette who was seated next to her on the bed.

Annette didn't mind, she wasn't even sure if she wants to go. Sure, she was eager for the experience. But she still was anxious. she checks the time and looks at Tyler. they had to leave now or else they would be late. seemed like Tyler had noticed as well since he stood up and made his way to the door. Annette not to far behind.

"let's go, we're gonna be late" Tyler declares.

as they headed towards the green mustang, Kathy turns around to Annette

"we not done yet" she reminds her, earning a playful groan from the girl.


The day dragged on and on till the bell finally rang. Annette had been in a good mood the whole day for she actually had plans other than her daily occurrences. She walked to her locker with a pep in her step.

"You ready? Please tell me your ready? Oh! I am so ready!" Kathy squeals as she and Rhonda approach the girl.

"Jesus, if I didn't know better I would think you the one goin on this date" Annette laughs, shoving her books into her backpack.

"She would like that" Rhonda jokes, nudging the blonde beside her.

"If you don't want em, I'll have him" Kathy shrugs. Annette shakes her head, baffled by how fast her friend switches up.

"It ain't even like that, just a date Kathy" Annette tells her.

"Its never just a date Annette" Rhonda mocks. She simply waves her off as she slams her locker shut. She takes a deep breath before turning around and facing what she had been looking forward too all day.

"You know you don't have to do this, right?" Tyler asks her worriedly. She chuckles and nods as she speeds up her walk. But he follows her, along with Isaiah down the hallway.

"Its fine, I'll be fine" she reassures them. But it seemed more as if she was trying to make herself believe that fact.

Finally exiting the school, she was quick to spot the delinquent leaning against a sleek black mustang. He scanned the front of the school, with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Go on now" Maira urges her, Annette hadn't even heard her show up behind her. She nods, taking another breath. Attempting to calm herself of her worries.

She walked across the lawn, not getting to far before Dallas noticed her. He shifts his weight to the other leg as he stares her down with a smirk.

"Well hello, doll" he greeted. no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't suppress the smile that was forming upon her lips. of course he caught her, he smiled back. when he smiled, he smiled, a smile that could make any girl melt. Now Annette, she wasn't an exception.

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