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I sat down next to the others with my elbows on my legs, chin on my hands. I miss Cole. I already feel like shit from my battle with Paleman because I know what happens to everyone. I wish this was just all one big nightmare and I would wake up to the smell of Zane's cooking and all of my friends together. We were happy that way. Together like a family. I miss my brothers.

 Skylor, Master of Amber, versus Jacob, Master of Sound. Fight! Fight!" Master Chen called out. He seemed excited about this fight in particular. "Eenie, meenie, minie, moe. Catch a by Jadeblade its toe!" Skylor taunted and threw her spear at a vase that held a bow and arrow. "Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him," Garmadon mentioned after we uncovered our ears from the sound Jacobs guitar made. 

My vision went hazy as I stared at the fight but it returned when Kai sat with us. " Sorry, all of these temples look the same. Did I miss anything?" He asked after stepping on everyone's feet. "Ugh. But the looks of it, you didn't miss much." Jay motioned to the other contestants glaring at Kai.

 "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves." " Don't say that, we are a team. Sure we just lost and Cole and still can't find Zane, but we're a team. Just smaller. All the more reason to stick together." Lloyd told the Blue Ninja of Lightning.

I sigh and look back at the fight as Kai noticed that Skylor was fighting. " What has him so excited?" Garmadon asked. "He had a crush on her until he found out they might be related," Jay answered. Garmadon had some good news for Kai. "Her element isn't fire. She's the Master of Amber, power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched." 

Kai perked up, "You're telling me we're not related?!" Kai said happily as he pushed Jay back to look at Garmadon. " Wouldn't you know if you were related or not?" I mutter. " Oh, boy. Here we go again." Jay complained.

Skylor used Jacobs element to break a vase which Jacob took the blowdart out of. He blew said darts at her. Skylor giggled and cartwheeled along the wall, making Jacob blow darts at. The darts ripped the wall and air flowed out, making his vision blurry as it depended heavily on sound.

 The sound of the air flowing made him unable to hear Skylor run to a vase and break it. A Jadeblade flew out and she grabbed it, holding it high up. Kai cheered her on and I felt like pushing Kai off the edge. Wait what? Why would I do that? Kai is my friend, my homie, a brother. Why in the hell would I want to push him off the edge?

" Winner!" Chen stated seeing Skylor grab the Jadeblade. " And, loser." Chen opened up a trapdoor under Jacob. " I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things." Chen started as he took out a box of jewels. 

" But then in yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset." Chen threw the box behind him and everyone glared at us. Well, fuck yall too. " For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house." Chen broke a crystal in his hands, flinging the little bits away. " That is all. Thank you, you can go."

" Nice one Jay." Seemed like I ain't the only one changing since we've been on this island. Kai has as well. " Whoa, easy Romeo." Jay glared at Kai. I sighed heavily. " Don't worry about them. We aren't here to make friends, just to save ours." Lloyd told all of us as he held my hand again. 

" Yes, but your exclusion of others has only made enemies. Beware how you treat those around you, for they will treat you the same." Garmadon stated before we followed the others. " At least I explored my whole room first. Apparently, the next round has to deal with roller stakes. " I told my team. " How did you find that out?" Lloyd asked.

 " I had a blacked-out picture in my room but when I used my element on it, it showed a board of all the rounds and their setting." " I suggest being very wary of your surroundings and yourself (Y/n). Chen or Clouse must have put that their which can mean bad news for you. Be careful." Garmadon told me. He knew these two much more than me so I took his advice. " Alright, Garmadon. I will."

I fucking hate this shit. My back hurts and I want to cry. Beds were on tables and I could feel every fricking crumb on the table even with a mattress on it. "Couldn't sleep either?" I heard Jay whisper. I guess I wasn't the only one awake. I sit up and see that Lloyd and Kai are up too. We got out of bed and grouped up " Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back," Kai whispered. " Speaking of backs, these new beds are the worst. All right, let's do-" Lloyd got interpreted by someone coming in and banging on a gong, turning the lights on too.

We quickly got back into bed and pretended to just now be awake and annoyed with the sound. Well, the sound part isn't a lie. " Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night." Clouse, you are a little bitch. Some cultists put skates on all of our feet. Knew it. Kai tried to walk but fell down. Skylor had to help him up.

" Guess you were right (Y/n), this round does deal with skates." " Did you doubt me?" I ask my boyfriend as I easily stood up. Let me say I am the best at balance. "Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!" Jay was happy. " We should be getting use to this by now," Lloyd muttered. " Did I ever mention I once placed first in the Mother-Son Skate-Off? Hehe. I should have never admitted that." " Weirdo." I laugh at Jay.

"Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal Arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you." I hate Clouse's voice so much. Can I rip out his throat? Pleeeease! " If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?" Skylor asked. "Only two of you will be fighting, but the rest of you will have a chance to affect the outcome," Clouse answered.

Griffin asked who was fighting. " The Green Ninja versus the Master of Form." Clouse left after that. I look at Lloyd who was confused. "Master of Form? Who's that?" He questioned. "You haven't heard? I hear she can look like anyone. She'd be right under your nose, and by the time you figure it out, she's discovered all your weaknesses, then it's game over. But you're the Green Ninja, what weakness could you have?"

This didn't seem like Kai. This isn't our brother. I poke Lloyd in the side in a way to tell me not to say anything. " Ugh, aside from a sore back, not many." I guess that worked. "Kai" thanked him before leaving. " Skates." The real Kai skated over to us. " Kai?!" Lloyd was more confused. " Why did it have to be skates?" He fell.

"Watch your back, Green Ninja." The fake Kai now had a higher voice before revealing themselves to be Chamille using her element. " So that's what form meant. Don't worry Lloyd, you are strong and smart! You can beat her. And we are by your side." I glance at Kai, " Or maybe just me and Jay. Kai is failing at everything." I chuckle as we left the room to go to the arena.

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