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The Anacondrai Warriors banging on some drums and chanted. Clouse put up his hand before turning around. " Bring in the prisoners." The bars were lifted and we were guided out in chains. "So the ninja were right. This was never about any of us winning the tournament. This was always about something sinister." " Now you get it, Griffin? For the Master of Speed, your thought process is slow." I insult.

" What gave it away? Was it his cult following, or the giant snakehead?" Shade added. " We've been fighting each other for so long, it took us all losing to finally pull us together. Too bad it's too late." Neuro also added as Jay started to hum. " Jay. Why the fuck are you humming." I glared at the blue Ninja. " Since these cursed shackles have blocked our powers, I choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd will come save us. You just wait." " I hope you're right." I sigh.

We stood on the platform where Clouse and Skylor were. Said girl looked away seeing us, or well, seeing Kai. "Go ahead and look away, but you know as well as I do after he takes our powers, he's still gonna need yours." " You don't understand. My father gets everything he wants. I had no choice." Skylor tried to explain. " Just tell me one thing. Was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours? Because it worked." Skylor let out a small gasp before smiling. 

We all went down on one knee as an Anacondrai Warrior told the other warriors to rise for Chen. Master Chen used gravity to levitate his throne. " Look at me. I'm floating!" Then the idiot almost fell making the cultists gasp. " I got it, I got it." Chen placed his throne down and looked at all of us. " I just got distracted by how awesome this place looks. Well done, Clouse. You've really set the mood. And look at this. Soon, I'll have more power. It's good to be me."

" You may have all of us. But you ain't got Greenie." I snicker. "Ah, yes. I bet right now he'll swoop down to save you in the very last moment and teach me a valuable lesson. Well, I'll wait. I love lessons." " Any minute now," Jay called out. Like 2 seconds went by because Chen said, "That's enough. I'm bored. But here's a lesson, don't be a sore loser. Only one can remain!" Chen stood up and held up his staff before pointing it at us. 

I felt, drained, useless even as my power was sucked out of my body. Everyone else had theirs taken away too. "The power is mine. All mine!" " He never came." Jay said sadly. " Lloyd's coming up with a plan probably," I mumble to Jay. " Take them to the factory!" Chen told the warriors. "Father, please, spare Kai. I've seen inside his head. He's different. He can help you." Skylor pleaded. " You like the boy, don't you? If it will make you happy. Leave the red one." The rest of us were guided to the factory as Kai was left there.

These clothes are sweaty and I just put them on. I was pushed to a conveyer belt close to Jay and told to work. " Psst." Me and Jay looked over and saw Cole and Z- ZANE!!! " Cole? Z-"  "Zane!" I gasp happily seeing my used-to-be dead friend.  " You look a-ma-zing." I complimented. " Shh, not so loud you two. " Cole hushed us. "They think we've escaped and don't know we're here." Cole told us.

" Why would you come back?" Jay asked. "Because we're breaking everyone out." "Correction. We're building our way out." Zane corrected Cole and pointed to the Roto Jet being covered with a cloth. "They think we're fixing the noodle machine, but we're fixing a Roto Jet." " A Roto Jet? But aren't we underground? "Jay asked Cole. " That's what I've been saying!"  "What happened to positive thinking?" Karlof asked. " Karlof!" I smiled at him.

"No talking! And hurry up with that noodle machine." A guard shouted. " Okay, okay. It will be ready soon. When ready, noodles will fly out of here." Karlof told the guard. Cole asked where Kai was. " Getting special treatment. Skylor spared him. Apparently, Skylor is Chen's daughter." I resounded before having to fill Cole in on everything.

Time past and I kinda wanna pass out. The night had already set and still no sign of Lloyd. The Roto Jet was covered again when a guard came over. " Uh, please, almost done. Soon, noodle machine will be firing on all cylinders." " No, make now. Master Chen wants noodles for the big ceremony."  The guard told Karlof. Griffin asked what ceremony. " Chen defeated the Green Ninja." I gasp." Now no one in Ninjago can stop us." The guard laughed. "Look at the bright side. At least all your jobs just became permanent." 

Lloyd, defeated? No. He was able to defeat the Overlord once before, but not Chen? My poor green baby. "Uh, there's a few minor kinks." Karlof tried to get the guard to leave. The guard pushed away Karlof, ripping off the sheet. " Huh? That's not a noodle machine!" " Uh, that's the kink. Now!" Karlof shouted and Cole jumped onto the jet. " I'd get out of the way if I were you," Zane suggested to the guard as Cole started to fire, almost hitting Jay in the process.

We all pushed the jet as Cole fired at the guards. Cole asked when it will fly and Karlof said it fly when it fly, no sooner. We had to manually turn the jet so Cole can fire at the cultists. Karlor said to push the button and Cole did, firing missiles at the door, breaking it. We cheer and push the jet out. "This is why you don't make jets underground, Karlof." Cole commented. "The power of positive thinking." That's Jay's quote now."Behind you!" Karlof warned. We turned the heavy thing around and Cole fired at the warriors before escaping

We broke through a wall, entering a room filled with skeletons and one big ass snake. Cole opened fire at the large serpent before hitting the roof. The floor broke and landed on top of the snake. Her tail wiggled in the air for a second before going limp. I feel kind of bad for it. It was only doing what Clouse instructed and yet, she had to die for it. She didn't get to lead her own path.

" Whoo-hoo! We did it!" Cole shouted as I ran over to help up Garmadon. " Well hello, Master of Darkness." I laugh. Cole and Jay reached for Nya but she ran past them to hug Zane. " Zane, you're back!" " What? What is on my back?" Zane twisted his head around to look at his own back. I giggle seeing this.

" Karlof, why isn't this thing off the ground yet?" Cole asked. "Two hands can only work so fast." Karlof replied. " Well, you're gonna fix it, Karlof, because you know why?" " Sure." " Positive thinking!" We all said together. " That's the stupid thing I've ever said!" I smiled but then got bonked by Jay.

"No, Kai! Don't!" I heard Lloyd shout before we burst into the room. " Did anyone order some kung pao?" Cole asked. " With a dessert of failure?" I add on and Cole chuckled. We all started to fight. " Zane! Good to see you again buddy." Lloyd smiled seeing his robotic friend. " And it's good to be back." Zane smiled back.

Kai and Chen raced to get to the staff that Kai dropped. Luckily Kai was able to grab it first. He held it high up in the hair. " NOO!" Chen yelled as Kai brought it down, smashing the crystal into pieces. All of our powers escaped from the staff and re-entered our bodies. I felt whole again, and powerful. " Now bad guys in big trouble!" Karlof said, now fully metal. 

Us Ninja gathered into a formation. " Ninja, go!" We all used Spinjitzu and take down the cultists. " It always brings tears to my eyes when I see the old gang back together." Nya smiled. Garmadon looked around and noticed that Clouse and Chen were gone. " They escaped," Garmadon informed us. " And wheres Skylor?" I asked, looking around. " Start a search! Find Clouse, Chen, and Skylor. Be on high alert, never let your guard down!" I shout, looking at all the elemental masters. " Yes Ma'am!" They shout back. " You know, you make a good general (Y/n)." Garmadon commented. " Really? Hmm, thanks. I smile.

Morning rose and the cultists were tied up, led out as Garmadon informed us that there was still no sign of any of them. Kai looked to the said. "If it weren't for her help, we wouldn't have control of the island. We'll find her, brother." Nya told her brother. "  It's funny. I came here to find an old friend, I just never thought we'd make new ones." Kai said as Zane turned on his funny switch to make all of us laugh. "We'll find her, Kai. And we'll find Chen."

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