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Before we start the chapter I wanna give a little special thanks to @Donbescared for all the comments, you've made me smile every time I read your comments so you have been rewarded with a little shoutout, congrats, and onto the chapter!)

Welcome back to another episode of hell. In this episode were are starting off flying above Chen's Island for some reason that will probably end in someone losing their power. I held Lloyds hand tightly and he looked at me worried. " What are you looking at Zippy?" Jay wasn't so fond of the Master of Speed in front of him. " The next one out of the Tournament." He sassed.

" Why so scared to show us your back, Shadow? Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?" Kai interrogated. " I hope this next fight is between you and me because I'm gonna put you on your back." Shade was harsh. " Tensions are high." Garmadon commented. " Yeah, not as high as we are now. Can hardly see the island from up here." Lloyd looked outside the window. 

 I've had enough of this. I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?" Neuro got up and went to the door to the control room. He opened it but saw no one in. It was on autopilot. " "How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh, oh, I'm on? Right now? Ahem, ahem." Chen showed up on the screen and we gathered around it.

"Hello, final eight. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a Jadeblade, today you will be fighting for something different." Chen's face was replaced with a video of Nya. " Nya." Kai gasped. " You know her?" Skylor asked and Kai said it was his sister.

"We have an uninvited guest on the island." Chen mentioned. "And she must be holding the proof that will stop Chen." Kai added. "Find her and you will automatically move on-" Chen continued. "The spell he plans to use when he takes our powers." Kai also continued. "-To the final round!" Chen finished that sentence. 

"He wants us all to hunt her down? She won't stand a chance." Jay was worried about her. " We gotta find Nya before anyone else does. We have to." I put my hand on Jay's shoulder. Do I even want to find Nya, she's a tad annoying. Wait what- No! I love Nya she's amazing! She's like my big sister why would I even think that!? Ugh, I have to leave this island. 

" In ten seconds, the bottom will drop." We gasp hearing this. " But to show you I'm not a bad man, I've given you eight parachutes." Everyone rushed to grab a parachute as the floor started to open. There was of course one for everyone, except Garmadon. "Sensei Garmadon is there? Shoot, that makes nine. Oh, well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo." Chen cut out. "That guy's love for trapdoors is seriously getting on my nerves!" Lloyd added before everyone fell down.

The parachutes fell out of everyone's hands and we had to scramble to get one. I was having some trouble because my vision said fuck you and started to act up. Jay shouted for Lloyd to use his energy dragon but Lloyd couldn't for some reason. 

" Your powers don't work because you aren't controlling your fear. Focus." Garmadon told Lloyd as Lloyds parachute got stolen. " Control your fear. Don't let it control you. Center yourself." I tried to use my search ring as my eyes and it worked somehow. I opened my parachute and that's when my vision decided to go back to normal. Thanks eyes.

Lloyd and Garmadon hung onto the last parachute. Garmadon said it was an easy decision on who should get it and Lloy agreed. He opened the parachute for his father and let go. He fell through the air and summoned his dragon right before he hit the tress. We cheered as we slowly dropped onto the ground.

I landed on top of a cave and took off my parachute. I sigh and started the search for Nya. " Hail, combatants, I have left a few treats to help you in the hunt. I hope you use them wisely." Chen said over the speakers that were placed on the trees. He started talking to Clouse and I think he forgot to turn off the mic.

" Treats? The hell does that mean?" I sigh and looked over, seeing a katana with a small container of something. " Oh. Guess that makes sense." I walk over and pick up the little container and put it in my pocket since it was tiny.

I picked up the sword and the handle changed from grey to purple and the blade went obsidian black. " Whoa. I might like katanas more now." I smile returning to the search for Nya. " (Y/n)!" I held up my katana quickly and pointed it at the voice. That meant I was pointing it at Lloyd. " Oh shi- Sorry baby."

 I lowered it as Lloyd and Garmadon walked over. " Glad we could find you." Lloyd smiled. " Glad so too. Should we all work together to find Nya?" Garmadon nodded, " We already have her trail using the Samurai X symbol. It's best we pair up then."

Lloyd took my hand and we started to walk together through the jungle. I cut any branches that were in the way. " You said before that Master Chen was your Sensei, but nothing else." Lloyd was obviously asking his father to tell us the story on how. " I'm interested in that story as well." I added, looking at the Garmadon.

The man sighed, " There are things from my past that I am not proud of. Perhaps it's time for you to know the truth. After the Devourer bit me when I was a child, it took years for all of the evil to fully consume me." Garmadon started his story.

Past Garmadon and Clouse were training together, fighting to raise their skills. "Good Garmadon. Good Clouse. But you're both holding back." Past Chen told his students. "Might I add he who wins this fight shall become my right hand and be granted lordship?" He knew that would make them actually fight.

Past Clouse was determined to win. He used his Dark Magic on the training equipment to make them come alive. But Past Garmadon countered it with Spinjitzu, an illegal move. "He cheated, Master. You told us Spinjitzu was forbidden." Past Clouse complained to Chen, angry he was defeated by Garmadon cheating. " He did what he had to do to win. Congratulations, Lord Garmadon."

 "It was a time in our history when man and Serpentine were not getting along. As our sides clashed, we hoped for a truce. But not Chen."

"Oh, peace is so boring, but conflict and turmoil is so unpredictable and exciting." Past Chen was crazed when back over forty years ago. "But, Master Chen, even the Anacondrai are making concessions. There could be a truce. There could be-" "Never trust a snake, Lord Garmadon. Remember that." Chen cut Garmadon off. Past Garmadon looked down. 

"Oh, don't look so sad. I've intercepted something that will make you feel better." Past Chen took out a letter. " A love letter. Apparently, your pathetic little brother feels the same about that girl you admire." " Misako." Past Garmadon gasped. " His words are so heartfelt. They could sway how she feels about one of you." Chen slid the paper to him. 

"  I didn't write this. I shouldn't be reading it." Garmadon looked up. " Didn't you? It could be your name on it. Certainly, you feel the same." Chen put the ink and pen close to Garmadon. Garmadon signed the paper, betraying his brother. But he loved Misako too much to let her go. He was guilty of a crime that he knew would later cause conflict. But his love for Misako made it worth it. 

" Mom thought that letter was from you!" Lloyd spoke up. "As I've told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise. My fear of losing Misako controlled me and led me down a dangerous path. A path I hope to one day make peace with." Garmadon looked at his son. I felt bad for Garmadon. His life was just, so shitty. Poor Garmadon.

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