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( Yo, ps I forgot what year I made yalls mother ya know, die, so I might get ages incorrect from past chapters. If I do tell me so I can go back and change it, all ages/years in this chapter will be the canon ones so if anything changes from past chapters, I'm sorry. )

Oh yeah, ps again I changed the number of greats in the Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter, Yes I copy and pasted that, to just one great because it made more sense with how Oni's and Dragons live much longer than normal humans sooooooo yeah)

We couldn't take the Stone Warriors sadly. Sensei said that the city would be scared of them and a bunch of other things. At least I could visit them whenever since I have my elemental dragon. Though it won't be a lot since you know, I'm a busy Ninja and fangirls take up some time as well.

Anyways, the night had faded into morning and we were getting ready to leave the island. I bid farewell to the Stone Warriors who were sad to see me go but knew I had to. I hug them all hugs before boarding the Bounty. The Destiny's Bounty was fired up and in no time we were back in the air and I was in the bathroom. Changing of course. I needed to get back into my gi. The dress was nice and all, but I'm a Ninja, not a princess. 

I set the dress, shoes, and crown into the bag that had my gi in it and put it away. I grabbed my bat plushie from that Lloyd won from me when we were kids. I saw that as if it's been years when it really has only been a year. I lost track of time honestly. I sat outside on the deck, legs dangling off the side, plushie in my arms. 

I kissed the top of the bat's head and looked out at the sky. The clouds looked like cotton candy and now I'm hungry for candy. I start to think about The Overlord. I still can't believe I'm related to him, but yet it makes sense. 

When I was little my mom never told me anything about past family. She didn't like the imagery of dragons. She disliked dark purple. She never wanted me to know about Ninjago's important past. Granted I was like 8 and an 8-year-old probably didn't need to know that, but still. 

She always dressed me in pastels colors, mostly yellow and white. She didn't like it when I pretended to be a dragon, nor when I wanted to wear purple. She knew who we were related too, but probably was never going to tell me. Did she think I was going to want to be like him? Or just didn't want me to know who I was related to just because of who he was. 

I sigh and hug my bat closer. This is all so confusing and I want to bang my head against the railing but that will hurt. " You ok babe?" I looked over at Lloyd sitting next to me. " Yeah, I just, still can't believe I'm related to him." I look down. Lloyd frowned and wrapped his arm over my shoulders. 

" You may be related to him, but you're not him. Don't let his darkness taint your darkness. Alright?" I giggle, " If I'm darkness, then your my light." " What are we? Yin Yang?" Lloyd chuckled. I nodded, " I guess so. You're the First Spinjitzu Master's Grandson. I'm the Overlords Great Granddaughter." 

" It's like we shouldn't be lovers, but we are." Lloyd smiled. " Is... Is that bad?" " No! " Lloyd quickly shouted. " It's not bad it just seems like we should have been enemies since our grandparents were but were not. ButthatsagoodthingIswear." Lloyd said quickly. I laugh, " I know whatcha meant Greenie. "

Lloyd sighed, " You butt." Lloyd flicked my nose. " Hey!" I laugh and cover my nose. I pull my legs out from the railing and laid on Lloyds lap. " I love you so much," I looked into Lloyd's now red eyes. " You traffic light eyes." I boop him. 

Lloyd scrunched up at the boop. " Wait wha? What do you mean traffic light eyes?" " You have had green, yellow, and red eyes dork. Red was when you were a kid and still sometimes now, green after you really got in touch with your powers, and yellow or well gold when you were the Golden Ninja." I explained, getting a simple oh from Lloyd.

" What color are they now?" Lloyd asked. " Red," I brushed my thumb over Lloyds eye, making him close it. Lloyd smiled. He liked it when his eyes were red. Reminded him of his father. He liked being like his dad, that's all he ever wanted when he was younger. Garmadon was nothing more than a perfect dad to Lloyd, and he hopes that never changes. 

" Lloyd, (Y/n)! Zane made an early lunch!" Jay shouted from the door. " Oh hell yeah!" I got up and pulled up Lloyd too. Lloyd smiled at my excitement. He too was excited since Zane should be a 5-star chef.

 " Let me go put away the baby first," I told Lloyd, holding out my bat plushie. " You still have that?" Lloyd questioned, turning his head to the side slightly. " Of course! I would never let them get hurt! I love them! And the fact you won it for me makes it better." 

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