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Normani walked into her first freshman course of the semester, business ethnics, she was one of the first people there. She decided to sit in the upper right corner of the classroom, furthest away from the board so that hopefully she wouldn't have to interact with anyone. She was fairly anti-social, but once she actually gets to know someone she feels more comfortable.

More and more students began to pass into the classroom, quickly filling up the bottom rows. As the room seemed to have completely filled up, the professor walked through the door, exposing his light brown hair with a scruff beard he had an average figure, wearing a suit and tie, he wasn't in a tuxedo, but a button down shirt which was tucked in and dark jeans. The classroom grew quiet as he took off his bag and placed it on his desk, walking over to a podium and picking up a stack of papers that had been sat there.

"My name is Professor Garret you can call me that and that only, not Mr., not Garret, not Professor, Professor Garret and Professor Garret only." He explained as he held up the attendance roster, taking a quick look at the classroom before opening his mouth again. "When I call your name say present, if someone is not here I don't want to hear any noise at all." He said as he shifted his weight against the podium. He called off many names one by one, careful to pronounce each one correctly, careful to not miss a name. One name stuck out to Normani the name of a student who apparently hadn't arrived yet.

Professor Garret finished taking attendance, turning to the board to begin his lesson. It was mostly review, things that should have been gone over during the course of high school. If anyone did not know the answer to a question, he immediately called them out on it. He seemed like a very strict teacher. You would have never expected it. You would sincerely take one look at him and think just by his attractiveness that he would be a nice relaxed teacher, but you would be incorrect. He started creating notes on the whiteboard, he made it clear that he would only provide the classroom with notes during the first month, just so everyone could get the feel of exactly what he was looking for.

Just as Professor Garret jotted his final letter on the board and made his way towards his seat, the classroom door opened. Normani along with multiple other classmates immediately turned their eyes in the direction of the door. Much to Normani's surprise, the girl from the hall stepped in, closing the door behind her and walking up to the professors desk, handing him a letter and turning to face the class. She smirked as she made her way up to the back corner where Normani was seated. It had been one of the only seats left, so when the girl came and asked if she could sit there, Normani complied with the wish in an instant.

They sat next to each other for over 10 minutes, until Professor Garret suddenly erased the notes from the board. Many of the students groaned in frustration because they were not finished with their work, but Normani was, she was the first done, always, she had been sitting back listening to music on her iPod. Professor Garret turned to face the class once more, before tucking his hands into his pockets and proceeding to instruct the class.

"You shall write as I write, and if it takes you twice as long to copy down what I wrote, there is a problem, As soon as this marker hit the white board you should have been copying what I was writing, I'm fairly disappointed that some of your teachers didn't teach you the proper way of taking notes". Professor Garret finished erasing the entire board before grabbing a paper off of his podium and passing it to one girl who would pass it back until everyone got one.

Gratefully Normani had been able to take down all of the notes in time. She put her notebook to the side and sat back waiting for the papers to reach her. The girl beside her handed her a paper before leaning in a bit closer. "Hey, did you catch the notes? I didn't get to finish them." Her classmate asked looking Normani right in the eyes, those eyes, the perfectly green ones that seemed to be made of glass. Normani tried to ignore her mesmerizing eyes, it took every ounce in her. "Ya, sure" she turned her head and pulled out her notebook again, turning to the page that held the notes and handed them over. "Thanks" she said as she copied down the notes from Normani's notepad.

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