The Final Chapter

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Instead of Normani returning the pleasure that night Lauren insisted she didn't, The next day she would have to get up early in the morning to go to the police office and she would rather not be tired out due to two of three rounds of tongue-of-war with her girlfriend.

Lauren woke up the next morning, Normani having her arm firmly placed acrossed the girls stomach and the other behind her back. The brunette got up gently careful to not wake the half naked sleeping Normani and she rushed into the bathroom after grabbing her clothes and glancing at the clock which read 5:30A.M.

Lauren turned on the water, hot steam rising from it almost immedately and she basked in the warmth of the room before stripping her clothing and stepping into the shower dampening her hair and wetting her entire body from her neck down. "Damn" Lauren heard Normani say after she'd used her hands to rub soap across her chest and her torso. "You're such a perv!" Lauren shouted tossing her loufa towards the brown skinned girl who dodged it nonchalantly before she stepped closer to the perfectly placed shower. "You weren't calling me a perv last night. I think the term you used was a tease." Normani said smacking Lauren on her butt playfully causing the girl's skin there to instantly turn red right along with her face. "Get out Mani I have to shower!" Lauren commanded shutting the curtain to the shower to obscure Normani's view. "Okay well, you got a call on your phone. It was from your dad, I know you haven't talked to him in a bit so I just wanted to let you know."

Lauren froze for a second. Letting the water rinse the soap from her body and her hair. "Okay, thanks" Lauren said hesitantly, turning the shower off and grabbing her towel from the rack, pulling back the curtain and stepping onto the nice fuzzy pink rug placed on the floor.

Lauren was a bit nervous to say the least, she hadn't talked to her father in months and she definately hadn't told him about her realization of sexuality. It's not that Mike was homophobic but he wasn't exactly that accepting over the whole idea of Lauren not being able to 'make him any grandbabies' which she most definatly could but of course he wasn't aware.

She dried herself off and stepped out of the bathroom, allowing the cool dorm air to wrap around her bare skin. "You call me a perv and then you come out the bathroom butt-ass naked expecting me not to sneak a peek." Normani snears hopping off of the bed to finally connect lips with Lauren who graciously accepted the embrace.

Normani tossed Lauren a pair of her jeans and a shirt that had been sprawled out on the floor. "I kind of stole these when you were in the shower so you would have no choice but to come out naked though." Normani admitted earning her a light smack on the arm from the cuban girl.

Lauren put on her clothes and headed out of the door, Normani behind her after she'd showered and changed, and Dinah running down the hall so they wouldn't leave without her. "Camila doesn't have a really good experience with police stations and detectives so she said she's gonna stay in." Dinah explained after noting the confused glares from the couple. "So, I heard that there was some Laurmani smut going on last night." Dinah winked nudging each girl in the shoulder and Normani nearly choked on her own spit. "Camila can't keep her mouth closed to save her life!" She complained placing a hand on her now throbing forehead. "It's cool babe, I mean if Dinah doesn't get enough action on her own time and she has to get hot off of the details of what Camila walked in on then so be it." Lauren joked and she could have sworn Dinah was about to kill her after she received a large push towards the stairs from the younger girl.

"I was kidding!" Lauren said grabbing her chest to try and steady her heartbeat. "Jesus christ you muscle woman take it easy!" Normani complained laughing while she shoved Dinah in the arm. "You wanna fight Mani? Because you can definatly get shoved towards the stairs too." Dinah threatned before Briah walked up furrowing his eyebrows at the scene of Lauren on the floor clutching her chest, Normani staring at Dinah, and Dinah standing in battle stance as if she was about to drop kick Normani in one swift motion. "What the hell is happening?" He asked when he finally reached the group, holding his hand out to help Lauren off the floor and standing inbetween the girls who were equally as strong as one another.

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