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The room was black and mute as Lauren's eyes began to flicker open, unable to adjust to the darkness she felt like they remained shut. She thought long and hard about what was going on, in an instant she felt as if she was in her own bed in the dorm room belonging to Normani, Camila, and herself, but something wasn't right. She had little to no recollection of what had happened last night, the only thing she remembered was that she had stopped Dinah from diving into the pit of fire in the middle of the bonfire. Lauren attempted to move but she couldn't, for some reason she couldn't move, nothing was holding her down or blocking her, but every single attempt she made to raise her arm or leg didn't seem to register from her brain to her body. She felt paralyzed.

Lauren started to panic, blinking her eyes several times but still seeing nothing but darkness and trying again and again to raise her body from where she was laid on her back. She wanted to scream, but again, something was stopping her. She couldn't move, she couldn't talk, and she couldn't see.

Lauren was terrified, her anxiety growing by the second the fear slowly taking over her entire body. All of a sudden the lights beamed on and Lauren quickly shut her eyes again, them instantly starting to burn at the sudden exposure to the light after being in the dark for so long. As she blinked her eyes over and over she could see what looked like a shadow. There was a figure of someone standing over her, but the lights were too strong and she struggled greatly to focus and clear up her vision. After a few seconds of blinking her eyes and allowing them to adjust to the light, Lauren realized who was accompanying her in the room that was obviously not her dorm.

Normani's ex-boyfriend Arin was standing next to the bed that she was laying on. He had a smirk plastered across his face. He was wearing surgical gloves and a mask, his clothes hidden beneath a doctor's coat. For a second Lauren thought she was hallucinating. This couldn't be real, she was just at the bonfire with Dinah and maybe she'd had a little bit the drink, she thought that she didn't drink anything last night but maybe she was so out of it that she just assumed she wasn't drunk. There was a possibility that maybe Briah brought her home and this was just a dream. She could have been living through sleep paralysis, her mind probably woke up before her body did and now she wasn't able to move but her thoughts confused her making her think she was awake when in actuality she was still fast asleep.

Lauren saw Arin move his lips apparently trying to say something, that's when Lauren realized that she had gone deaf, Lauren couldn't hear a sound, and it was like she had lost her ability to hear in just an instant. It seemed as though all of her senses had been gone, she hadn't been able to see until the lights were on, she hadn't literally gone blind but she was still in the state of not having her sense of sight, which felt like the same thing, also she couldn't hear or move. Arin grazed his fingertips along Lauren's skin, running them along her forearm and up to her breast. She knew his hand was there but Lauren couldn't feel it, her sense of touch had been lost also. She felt completely powerless.

She couldn't protest, not being able to speak or move made Arin free to do whatever he'd like to. This made Lauren even more terrified and her heart started to beat rapidly in her chest, tears forming in her eyes immediately. Arin's lips moved again, this time a little more as if he was trying to hold a conversation with Lauren. She tried hard to read his lips but she was unable to, so she just shut her eyes. If he was going to take advantage of her she didn't want to watch. This was one of her biggest fears, being kidnapped and taken advantage of.

There was a loud ringing in Lauren's ears, immediately she shut closed her eyes even tighter not being able to handle how the sound made her ears ring. After a few seconds the dreadful ringing stopped and there was a loud pop before she heard the sound of air flying past her head. Once she opened her eyes it appeared that she was the only one who had heard the sound, or at least the only one that had been affected by it. Arin was standing there above her nonchalantly, his arms crossed over his chest apparently waiting for Lauren to pen her eyes again so that he could continue. "Don't fight it okay, maybe if you had just stayed away from my girl then you wouldn't be in this situation, now because I can't have her I guess I'll have to have my way with you instead." He said before he moved his hand up to her breast once again, moving his hand under her shirt and grazing the skin there, pushing her bra up with his thumb and rubbing her chest. Lauren could feel it now, she felt his scrubby thumb brush against her skin and it gave her chills, and not in the good way. "Fuck." Lauren finally squeezed out, her ability to speak finally coming back to her slowly. "Fu-fuck y-you Arin, d-don't touch m-me" Lauren stuttered out straining. It was like she had been deaf and she'd been brought a hearing aid. Maybe she was in fact speaking but she couldn't hear herself because she had gone deaf.

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