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Warning Sexual Content

On the drive back to the dorm everything was entirely silent, Lauren just stared out of the window the entire time. Normani didn't blame her though, Lauren had been through a lot the past few hours and she would just be forced to talk about everything later on the next day with the police, so if she didn't want to talk now Normani wouldn't try to make her. They pulled into the parking lot, Lauren jumping out quickly and making her way directly into the college without looking back. Normani knew Lauren was mad at her because she wouldn't sleep with her but there's a time and place for everything and they both knew that the hospital wasn't it.

"Lauren!" Normani called out grabbing Camila's bag from her trunk from when they went to Miami. Lauren kept walking when Normani slammed the trunk shut, locked her doors, and jogged up to her quickly making it to her side and stepping in front of her once they both reached the elevators. "Are you mad at me?" She questioned huffing trying to catch her breath. She didn't jog far but Camila's bag wasn't exactly light either.

"Why would I be mad at you?" Lauren asked not looking Normani straight in the eyes but instead waiting on the elevator doors to ding open and moving inside pressing the button to their floor. "I don't know I thought maybe you were mad because of what happened at the hospital." She suggested dropping Camila's bag briefly in order to catch her breath and get her energy up again before having to lug it to their room.

"I'm just tired alright, I want to go to sleep." Lauren denied once they reached their floor. She walked out immediately leaving Normani behind but was soon met with her at the door once again because she didn't have her keys. "I lost my keys" Lauren confessed rolling her eyes when she realized she may have lost them at the party or one of her kidnappers could have easily taken them from her in a plan to do something more to her. "We need to change the locks then, but in the meantime I have mines." Normani said walking in front of Lauren and unlocking the door with her key, walking in and sitting Camila's bag on the floor directly beside the girl's bed.

Lauren walked in and dug through her clothes nearly running into the bathroom to change into something more comfy than the clothes that had been brought to her to the hospital from Briah.

Normani intended on going to tell Camila that she'd carried her bag inside, but instead she pulled out her phone to text her instead, already knowing that she and Dinah were probably doing something that she didn't really want to disturb.

Normani: "Hey Mila, I brought your bag up but don't come in Lauren is in the shower and she said she was exhausted so I think she's going to sleep." [10:02pm]

She put her phone onto her nightstand, not expecting to get a fast reply due to the events that might have been occurring in the door a few halls down. As soon as she turned around to face the bathroom waiting on Lauren to come out, her phone buzzed against the wood of her dresser with a reply from Camila.

Camila: "Thanks! I'll come get it later I'm kind of busy anyways if you know what I mean." [10:04pm]

Normani read the reply aloud making a puking sound before throwing her phone onto her bed without sending a reply she didn't need to interrupt the couple twice within 5 minutes. Lauren came out of the bathroom and put the clothes that she had previously been wearing into her hamper, then she dropped onto her own mattress instantly. Normani just looked at her, smiling thankful that she'd made it home safely, pleased that they had found her and that she was to back in Normani's presence.

Normani turned to face Lauren's bed once again and without thinking twice she walked over to it kneeling in it and lying next to Lauren, draping her arm across the other girl's torso. She could feel Lauren shift at the contact but that just caused her to move closer, eventually spooning with her the darker girl. Normani craned her neck above Lauren's, placing her lips on the girl's soft skin right behind her ear. She trailed kissing from Lauren's ear to the tattoo on her neck.

My Bestfriend's Girlfriend (Laurmani/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now