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Lauren yawned exaggeratingly. Stretching her hands above her head and kicking her feet out as far as they could go slinging them wildly around the mattress.

"Ouch" She heard. That's when she realized she wasn't in her own bed, but she had woken up in Normani's for the second time. "Shit, sorry" she apologized, rubbing Normani's leg where her foot had hit.

Normani chuckled before getting up from the bed, having been admiring Lauren's sleepy posture. She had been awake for a little over twenty minutes but she didn't want to wake the sleeping girl and instead watched her relaxed features. This was something she wouldn't mind waking up to every day.

"I'm going to go down to Dinah's to see if Camila stole my pomegranate body wash. I just noticed I didn't see it last night." Normani stated before she got up out of her bed, slipped her shoes on, kissed Lauren on the forehead and headed out and down the hall after receiving a nod from the older girl.

Normani knocked on the door, but after she didn't hear anything, and she knew Dinah's roommate really didn't even live in the dorm. She knocked again harder to see if the two girls were sleeping. She reached for the doorknob and surprisingly it was unlocked.

Normani walked into the room and her eyes bulged out of their sockets "OH MY GOD" She screamed before shutting her eyes and turning back around. She had just caught sight of Dinah's bare ass hovering above Camila in the small dorm bed.

"Dammit Mani you're always ruining something." Dinah groans, getting off of Camila and reaching for her underwear and pants.

"Omg I just wanted my body wash" She said facing away from the two still and having her eyes covered with her hands. "Oh yeah it's in the bathroom hold up" Camila said, getting up from the bed nonchalantly and going into the dorm's washroom to grab the soap.

"Mani you don't have to cover your eyes anymore I have on clothes" Dinah laughed out. "I'm scarred for life, I saw your butt oh my God" Normani said, hesitantly removing the hand from her eyes and turning back around.

Dinah went towards the small kitchen area, grabbing a few pieces of bacon and offering some to Normani. "Ew, you expect me to eat that after you were just knuckles deep in my best friend? Did you even wash your hands?"
Normani frowned, turning her nose up and pushing the plate back away from her.

Camila came back into the room, handing the bottle to Dinah who threw it towards Normani without warning, smacking her in the face with it. "Oooo damn" Dinah said laughing while the bottle slammed into the floor and the top broke off flying across the room.

"Dinah what the hell you've got to stop throwing shit." Normani stated annoyed, throwing the bottle to hit Dinah in the stomach then retrieving it from the floor.

Dinah was now on the ground wailing in pain next to her fallen plate of bacon, but seeing as Normani's nose was probably swollen she didn't care.


"Mila I'm about to call Marquese with the jet so we can fly out to see my mom for her birthday." Normani reminded the girl, straightening her hair and fixing her eyeliner at the same time.

Camila suddenly got nervous. She felt like Normani never talked to her anymore. After years and years of being best friends, Camila ultimately felt neglected. Normani had been spending so much time with Lauren lately, and although Camila spent ample time with Dinah in return, she still needed her best friend.

Camila and Normani never hung out unless Camila came back to their dorm room. But otherwise, Normani never made the move to talk to her anymore, it didn't seem intentional but she didn't know if it was because she did something wrong, or if Lauren was just a better friend than her.

"Actually, can we drive?" Camila suggested. She'd use this time alone with Normani without Marquese eavesdropping and silently judging her while he flew the small jet. She needed to tell Normani how she really felt before it ate her alive.

"Uh...why?" Normani asked, setting down the flat irons and giving her eyeliner one last sharp wipe before making a kissy face towards the mirror and grinning at her own reflection.

"I um. I need to talk to you."

"Mils you can talk to me right now. What is it?" Normani asked, now walking towards the younger girl and looking at her with waiting eyes.


"Normani you won't believe what just- oh shit." Lauren bolted through the door, captivated by Normani's makeup.

They just stood there and stared at eachother, Normani blushing hard.

Camila cleared her throat "uh..ahem"

"Oh hi Camila." Lauren greeted, momentarily taking her eyes off of Normani but immediately letting them rest on her face again.

Camila subtly rolled her eyes. It's not that she disliked Lauren, but she was jealous. She was extremely jealous that a girl that they'd just met was getting more attention from Normani than someone that she's known since she was six.

The youngest got up and let herself exit the room. She hoped that Normani would take her up on the offer of driving down, because flying would go by too quick, and if Marquese was flying everyone back home would know her business before they even landed.

"No yeah I see what you mean." Dinah reassured Camila. She'd went back to Dinah's dorm to vent to her about how neglected she was feeling. Dinah just listened and offered a bit of advice and understanding, it felt nice to be able to talk to someone about how she was feeling. Dinah made her feel nice.

"Talk to her mila, it's better to get this stuff off  your chest than to keep it in, you don't know how she'll react but I'm sure she won't be mad. She's your best friend and you miss her you need to tell her that. You have every right to feel a bit neglected, hell I would too. But nothing's going to change unless you go talk to her about it, she loves you Camila and I'm sure if you just let her know how you feel she'll work to change that immediately." Dinah said reassuringly, she held Camila's smaller hands in her own, both pairs resting on her lap.

Camila looked down at her hands, Dinah was rubbing them with both pads of her thumbs. Camila leaned forward to give Dinah and long lingering kiss on her lips before pulling back and resting her forehead on Dinah's, keeping her eyes closed. "Thank you" Camila said just above a whisper. Dinah pulled the smaller girl into her lap and kissed the back of her head affectionately, lacing their fingers together. "Anytime babe."

My Bestfriend's Girlfriend (Laurmani/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now