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Camila woke up the next morning to find that she was the only one left in the dorm. She had little to no recall of what had occurred the previous night. She sat up rather quickly which caused her to become dizzy, and felt like her head was about to pop out of her skull it was hurting so bad. She laid down again for a few seconds to regain herself. After she felt like she wasn't going to vomit, she stood up and made her way to her dresser. Once she opened it she was rather disappointed to discover that Normani had likely used all of her aspirins. Camila decided to hurriedly put on some sweat pants and a jacket, and run over to Dinah's dorm to see if she had any painkillers at hand.

Once Camila got to Dinah's dorm and knocked a few times, it opened slowly, revealing Dinah wearing beautiful red lingerie, her bedroom floor covered in roses, her legs were shining under the silk robe that she wore. Camila was completely in awe and she froze in her spot.

"Mila? You there girly?" Dinah asked shaking Camila's shoulder, all of a sudden she wasn't in lingerie, but fully clothed in gray jeggings. A white crop tee and a blue jean vest. Camila had been hallucinating she felt like she really needed to get some pain killers to soothe her headache, and quick. "Yeah, I'm fine sorry, just got a little dizzy" Camila lied, although it wasn't entirely a lie, she just decided not to add the kinky portion of her daydream into her answer.

Dinah let Camila in, the roses had disappeared too, and she knew she had definitely been out of it. "What do you need?" Dinah asked closing the door behind her. "I came to see if you had any aspirins?" Camila stated getting straight to the point, her headache growing worse by the second. Dinah nodded her head and made her way over to her cabinet in the bathroom of her large dorm. Dinah was out of site retrieving the medicine, so Camila thought she would walk around and take a look at the dorm. She came across a book set on Dinah's nightstand. "Got em!" Dinah yelled throwing the aspirins to Camila, sadly she wasn't paying attention and the medicine bottle hit her right in the face. "Ow fuck!" Camila cursed with Dinah following behind "Shit nice one D that's how you pull em" Dinah mumbled under her breath as she reached Camila to check out her face. Nothing was major, she had a small whelp under her left eye, but it was nothing an ice pack couldn't help.

Camila decided to stay in Dinah's room for a while, since both Lauren and Normani were missing, and she had no idea where they were. They talked for a while as Dinah pressed the ice pack softly against Camila's face to try and lower the swelling.
Lauren had woken up to find Normani to be waking up at the same time, so they decided to both go out for breakfast. They didn't want to disturb Camila, and they both figured she probably had a hangover, so they instead brought her some food back. When they reached back to their dorm Camila was gone, so Normani placed her takeout in the refrigerator and sat down on her bed. Lauren moved towards her own bed, grabbing her laptop and launching Tumblr to search through some new blogs.

"So, you never told me what you and Dinah talked about." Lauren said keeping her eyes fixed on the computer screen. "Well maybe that's because you went to sleep on me" Normani said chuckling as Lauren joined in. She was playing Crossy Roads on her phone. "I'm sorry, I thought I was going to stay awake but as soon as my eyelids closed I was out of it." Lauren apologized for last night, looking at Normani for a quick glance then turning back to her computer. "It's fine, I wasn't really all that entertaining last night either." Normani accepted the apology. "But do you really want to know what we talked about?" Normani brought up again, wanting to keep the conversation going rather than sitting in silence. "Sure, if you want to tell me." Lauren said turning to face Normani, they had both put their electronics down to communicate better.

"Well-" Normani started but was then cut off by the sound of knocks on the dorm room door. She got up and reached the door, opening it to find both Dinah and Camila. "Holy shit was happened to your eye" Lauren said, obviously being able to see it clearly all the way from her bed. "Dinah hit me in the face with an aspirin bottle." Camila said as she stepped in and began rummaging through her drawers. Normani gave her a disappointed look before turning more to let her in. "It was an accident, she was being snoopy and she wasn't really paying attention so she didn't know that I threw it." Dinah explained herself, greeting Lauren with a wave, which she then reciprocated.

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