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Camila was in the car with Normani on their way back to their native town Miami. The girls had made it through Maryland in stillness, Camila not exactly knowing how to broach the subject of her feeling abandoned by her best friend. Normani would take several glimpses in Camila's direction waiting for her to speak, but when she finally realized that Camila was at a loss for words she decided to start the conversation instead.

"So Mila, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Normani asked biting the bullet and asking Camila straightforwardly what was bothering her. She was insanely curious as to what had been bugging Camila so severely that she had to be unaccompanied with Normani in order for her to let it out. "I, um" Camila started, still not entirely knowing how to say what she was feeling without coming off as self-seeking or offending Normani.

The latter glanced at Camila repeatedly her eyes moving between her best friend's, and the road ahead. "I wanted to tell you that I feel like Lauren-" just as she was about to divulge her feelings to her best friend, Normani's phone rang. "I'm sorry" she apologized picking up her phone and realizing it was Lauren whom was calling her. She answered her phone and put in her earpiece, speaking through them after returning both hands to the steering wheel.

"Hey beautiful how's it going?" Normani greeted Lauren, who blushed brightly over the phone, not being able to break the smile forming at her cheeks. "I'm fine" Lauren responded, gleaming over the phone. "I just wanted to see how things were going with you and Camila, I remember you saying she wanted to talk to you about something and that's why you chose to drive instead of flying home. Did she tell you yet?" Lauren asked, tilting her head slightly to the left as she waited for a response from her unlabeled 'friend'. "No, not yet but Camila says hi." Normani told Lauren without being instructed by Camila who turned her head quickly and away again, letting out a slow sigh. Lauren greeted back to Camila, whom appeared uninterested in the entire conversation.

Lauren got up from her bed after speaking to Normani a bit more, the exchange not really having a topic but Lauren was desperate to hear Normani's voice after she had been without it for the past 4 hours. There was a knock at the door of their dorm which she quickly got up to answer. She swung the door open swiftly, revealing the face of Professor Garret. Creeped out was an understatement.

Lauren didn't know exactly what to think, but ever sense Mr. Garret had grabbed her arm she'd felt a fairly weird vibe from him, and chose to keep her distance. "Hello Lauren." He greeted her, waving to her as he stepped into her dorm uninvited, almost forcing Lauren out of the way. "Hi" Lauren said hesitantly, she was scared, almost terrified, she hadn't heard anything bad about Professor Garret but she sure as hell didn't want to be his first victim either, as far she knew he could be a killer, or a rapist, or both even.

"How did you find my dorm?" Lauren asked before even questioning why he was there. She safely kept her distance from him, leaving her dorm room open and her back towards it, watching him as he looked around at Normani's posters. "It's on the class roster, I just came to check and see if you were coming to the bonfire tonight, it's already November and I want to make sure the campus comes together before it gets cold." He explained moving his eyes to look at Lauren as he stepped closer to her.

"Uh, I think I'm fine, I'll probably just stay in tonight and study for a little bit, I have a huge test coming up and I really have to make sure I have everything down packed, so no thanks I think I'll skip on the bonfire." Lauren said tugging her professor gently by the arm gesturing for him to exit her dorm. He stared at her with a blank expression on his face, no sign of what he was about to say or do next. Lauren's anxiety grew worse, she began to fidget with the doorknob unsure of whether she should make a break for it or not. She started to try and remember a route to the closet security guard without him being able to catch her. As soon as she was about to turn around and make a dash for the escalator Professor Garret spoken up, "Alright then maybe next time?" He asked, stepping around Lauren and exiting her dorm into the hallway.

My Bestfriend's Girlfriend (Laurmani/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now